Page 139 of King of Campus
This is exactly what six months of phone sex will get you…
A dirty mouth and a very, very happy man.
~The End~
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Sneak Peek
Confessions of a Heartbreaker
Now Available
Chapter One
"Yo, Parker, where you'd disappear to, dude?"
I hear Max holler at me from outside on the darkened patio. There's a sly smile plastered across his face because he knows exactly what I've been up to. And who I've been up to it with...
Shaking my head, I flash him a shit eating grin but don't say a word. Natalie Cosgrove is all snuggled up against the side of me. My arm is casually slung over her shoulders as we make our way through the thick crowd of juniors and seniors to the keg in the backyard. Being the gentleman that I am, I top off Natalie's cup before filling my own.
Yeah, that girl has definitely earned it tonight.
Just as we're about to join Max and a few of the other guys from the football team, I pause turning towards Natalie. Without warning, I lean down before giving her a long deep kiss on her incredibly soft lips. She stares up at me with a flushed face and satisfied eyes.
Don't ever let it be said that I don't aim to please...
"That was pretty damn awesome," I murmur. My fingers gently stroke the side of her face. It's a practiced move. I'm gearing up to send Natalie on her merry little way.
She blushes, her lips bowing up at the corners. "It was, Parker."
Her hot pink colored talons trail lightly over the t-shirt stretched across my chest. They linger for a moment or two as she turns her big baby blue eyes up at me. She has great eyes. Actually, Natalie has a great everything.
"Maybe later we can meet up again." Her eyelashes flutter against the paleness of her cheeks before her eyes lift to mine.
That's one of the things I like about Natalie. She's subtle, not pushy. I’m definitely not into pushy chicks.
But still...
I smile even though I'm not totally feeling what she's putting out there. "Yeah, maybe, we'll see." I glance over at my teammates suddenly feeling impatient to join them... sans Natalie. "Listen, babe, I'm going to hang with the guys for a while." Before she can think of a way to detain me, I smack a quick kiss on her full lips and take off.
As I weave my way through the crowd, I take a great big gulp of beer in relief. Damn but that feels good going down.
Max turns just as I approach. His eyes trail behind me before slowly traveling up and down Natalie's hot little body. His perusal doesn't bother me. I mean it's not like we're together or anything like that. Anyway, Max enjoys living vicariously through me. He just has to do it when Emily's not around because if she ever caught him looking at another girl, she'd more than likely saw off his balls with a rusty blade before ramming them straight down his throat. And that’s the nice version of what she’d do.
"Damn, that girl is fine."
I glance over Max's shoulder before giving a subtle little cough. "Oh- hi, Emily."
Eyes wide, mouth gaping open like a fish, Max spins around.
Only to find open space.
I can't help but laugh because the look on his face is completely priceless.
"You're such an ass, Montgomery." Without any warning, he elbows me in the ribs. Hard.
Which only makes me laugh harder. "Yeah, I know but I'm okay with that."
He glances around covertly, probably trying to locate his disturbed sidekick, before muttering under his breath, "You know Em would kill me if she ever heard me talking about Natalie."
I nod sagely, taking another swallow of beer. "And that would be the reason your expression was so freaking comical."
Max shakes his head before his eyes once again land on Natalie. "You really are an ass."
Apparently he's not quite done gawking and talking about her finer qualities. Which is funny because I'm completely done talking about her. Tipping his beer back, he takes a nice long swig before saying, "Not sure why you aren't tapping that on a regular basis."
"Because regular basis equates to girlfriend and I don't do those."
Max rolls his eyes. He doesn't understand why I'm so adamantly against having a girlfriend. I can't decide if it's because he legitimately enjoys being in a committed relationship and therefore wants me to experience the same joy as well. Or if misery loves company and he's just looking for someone to keep him company. I'm leaning towards the misery-loves-company explanation because Max and Emily are totally psycho crazy together. I'm not even kidding right now. His on-again, off-again, on-again, off-again carousel of a relationship is enough to put anyone off having a girlfriend.