Page 16 of King of Campus
His eyes take on a sly, knowing look. “Didn’t think I knew it, did you?”
His arm tightens around me a bit more. “I did a little recon.”
This surprises me even more. I’m almost afraid to ask... “And what exactly did you find out?”
“Let’s see… you studied abroad in Paris last year and you’re into dance.” Heat flares within his eyes as they slowly slide their way down my body. “Can’t deny that I wouldn’t mind getting a private lap dance sometime.”
My mouth tumbles open. Before I can even summon the words to blast him with, he continues, “And you’re double majoring in dance and business.”
Well color me stunned.
And slightly frightened.
My eyes narrow. “Why?”
He quirks a brow like he doesn’t quite understand the question.
With my mind whirling, it’s slowly I ask, “Why would you bother finding out anything about me?”
His eyes ensnare mine as we continue walking down the sidewalk. Instead of looking at where I’m going, my head is turned and I’m staring at Roan. Which is almost like staring straight at the sun. It kind of hurts my eyes. I know there are tons of people surrounding us, jostling past us, laughing and talking, but I’m not aware of them at all. I wish it was the jetlag that had me feeling so befuddled but I know damn well it’s not.
It’s Roan freaking King. My confusion can be laid entirely at his feet.
It’s actually a relief when he shrugs those amazingly broad shoulders. “Just curious about my new neighbor.”
Slowly I blow out the breath that has become lodged in my throat. A little curiosity is fine. Anything else would be damn scary. Not to mention disastrous.
As we finally reach the front porch, people suddenly seem to realize that the King of Barnett has decided to grace them with his esteemed presence and we’re descended upon by at least a dozen fans. Back slaps, fist bumps, people clamoring for his attention as if his popularity or football prowess will somehow rub off on them. The guy is like a one man circus sideshow act or something.
I take this as the perfect opportunity to get the hell away from him and find Lexie who has already disappeared inside the house. Since I don’t want to lose her, I hustle my ass through the front door. As I do, I can’t help but toss a quick glance over my shoulder. Roan has been all but swallowed up by his frenzied crowd of admirers.
It’s actually a relief to get away from him.
At least that’s what I keep telling myself as I maneuver my way through the front hall.
Pushing Roan from my mind for what feels like the billionth time today, I search the jam packed living room for Lexie. I’m just starting to wonder if I’m ever going to find her when I catch sight of her fiery auburn hair which is piled high on top of her head in a messy bun.
After a few minutes of pushing and shoving, I grab hold of her arm to get her attention. She turns to me with a beer in each hand.
“Double fisting it already?” Hell, if anyone should be double fisting it for having a lousy day, it’s me.
“Nope, sharing one with my bestie,” she says right before handing me a red plastic Solo cup filled with frothy golden liquid.
With the amount of people crammed inside this house, not to mention the ones outside, I have to admit I’m fairly impressed with her beer retrieval skills. “You certainly work fast.”
She nods her head to the left of us. “Gotta love the freshman football players. Poor newbies.”
When I still look confused, she goes on to explain, “It’s pretty much their job to keep the more senior players on the team happy. Which means Dylan. And since its Dylan’s job to keep me happy, that extends to me.” She grins before taking a huge gulp. “And you.” Tilting her cup towards me, she says, “Cheers to you being home where you belong!” Then she knocks it into mine. Beer sloshes over the rims of both our cups.
Taking a healthy drink, I feel everything within me finally start to relax. This day has been a total shit show. But I’m not going to think about that right now. I’m going to focus on cutting loose and having some fun tonight. “Thanks, Lex, I missed you, too.”
My eyes stray to all the gyrating bodies writhing away in the dining room. The music is pumping, the lights are low, and I’m totally feeling it. Downing the rest of my beer in one fell swoop, I grab hold of Lexie’s hand before dragging her towards the make shift dance floor.
Yep, this night has nowhere to go but up.
Chapter Six
Roan King was just spotted disappearing upstairs with three very lucky ladies… It’s nice to see that the King of Campus is back in full force and spreading the love around!