Page 20 of King of Campus
Looking frustrated by her answer and probably by the fact I’m here with my arm around her, Finn grits out, “But you won’t return any of my calls or text messages. How can we talk when you keep ignoring me?”
Hmm. That sounds suspiciously like they know each other. And since Ivy just returned from a trip abroad that had her out of the country for more than a year, I’m guessing they must have had some kind of relationship prior to her leaving.
Looking uncomfortable, she shifts from one foot to the other before finally saying, “We’ll sit down and talk this week, okay? I don’t really want to get into it right now.”
“Why not?” His eyes darken as he continues staring at her. “You suddenly part of King’s pussy posse?”
Gasping, her eyes flare wide right before narrowing. I would have thought her voice would be cutting and angry, like it was when she dealt with me today. But it’s not. She actually sounds hurt.
“Is that really what you think of me, Finn?” She waits just a beat before adding with a little more heat, “Because if you do, then I don’t understand why you’re trying so hard to get back together with me.”
He has the good grace to flush before shaking his head. Which is kind of hilarious, because Finn McKenzie is a big dude who tops out around six foot two and has broad shoulders. Although I’m about six three and have broader shoulders.
I’m just saying…
Unfortunately what I’ve gleaned from this conversation has pretty much confirmed my suspicions about them having a prior involvement. Hmmm. I have to admit I’m curious about what happened between them for Ivy not to return his calls or text messages.
I’m just about to run my hand over Ivy’s back when she quickly ducks out of my arms before stalking off without so much as a single word to either one of us. She totally leaves us standing there with our dicks in our hands like a couple of douche bags.
But that certainly doesn’t mean we aren’t going to take a few parting shots at each other. Old habits die hard.
Finn steps into my space, his eyes hardening. “Stay the fuck away from her, King.”
Feeling amused, I merely raise a brow at the tone he’s using. Is this guy serious? Does he really think he can scare me off like I’m some damn freshman pussy who’s intimidated by the likes of him?
Fat fucking chance of that happening.
I’m not worried about getting into a fight with freaking McKenzie. I’ve got a good thirty pounds of muscle on him. And in case you’re wondering, Finn’s no slouch in the muscle department either. I just so happen to have more. But neither one of us are afraid to throw a punch which means this could explode into one hell of an ugly brawl in the blink of an eye.
“And if I don’t?” My words are quietly spoken but he hears them well enough over all the noise pressing in on us.
“I’ll fucking come after you so hard, you’ll have to skip the draft this year.”
Fists tightening at my sides, my eyes narrow as heat and rage leap into them. God, I would love to kick this guy’s ass. I think it would be quite cathartic. “You threatening me, McKenzie?”
He takes a step away from me, an unexpected smile gracing his lips. “Nope. Just telling you to back off. Ivy’s not one of the trashy groupie sluts you’re constantly dipping your dick in. She’s way too good for someone like you.”
With that he leaves me standing there… with my dick in hand.
As I watch him go, I suddenly wonder what the hell I’m doing. I don’t know this Ivy chick at all. Hell, I’ve only just met the girl today. Why does she have me wound so tightly around the axel? Shaking my head, I turn back around only to find Dylan watching me.
Yep. He definitely looks pissed off.
Maybe I do need to get laid after all. Maybe that’ll be enough to wipe this girl from my thoughts. As the crowd parts for me, three girls I know from around campus cling to my arms.
I think this is exactly what I need.
Ivy who?
That’s right…
That’s exactly right.
Chapter Seven
Were you one of the lucky ladies Roan was with Monday night? If so, be a doll and give us all the down and dirty details so we can live vicariously through you. Come on now, you know you’re dying to share them…
I’m sorry. Forgive me?
Biting my lip, I stare at the newest text from Finn. He’s been blowing up my phone for days now. I know he wants to get together and talk. Which probably means he wants to work things out. The problem is that he really hurt me and I don’t know if I can just let that go. Rather stupidly I’d thought we had something special and within a week or so of me leaving for Paris, he was already hooking up with other girls.