Page 28 of King of Campus
She winces just a bit but still continues holding my eyes in a forthright manner that only someone who knows you inside and out can do. “Yeah,” she finally sighs, “I guess I am. Look, you know how much I loved your mom. She was like a mom to me, too. What your dad did sucked big time. There’s no question about it. And you can certainly continue freezing him out or you can finally make amends and try rebuilding your relationship into a better one. A real one.”
Unconsciously my hand rises to rub at the flesh over my heart which now throbs harshly with grief. “How can I even begin to forgive him, Lex?” Even though it feels impossible, I continue forcing out the words. “It’s like he didn’t care about my mom at all. How do you hook up with someone within months of your wife,” my voice catches on the last word, “dying?”
Slowly she shakes her head before admitting softly, “I don’t know. But maybe it’s something the two of you need to talk about. Maybe it’s time to finally discuss all the shit you both have been trying to ignore for years.”
The thought of doing that has my skin prickling with unease. I can’t begin to imagine just such a conversation. Instead of entertaining the idea, I shut it down. “Thanks for the advice, Dr. Phil. I’ll think it over.”
But I have absolutely no intention of considering Lexie’s words. I have zero interest in fixing whatever is broken between us. He obviously doesn’t give a shit about me or he wouldn’t have gone out and married someone else so quickly.
Thankfully we’re saved from further conversation when Dylan leans around the barrier separating our two balconies.
“Hey, gorgeous.” He gives Lexie a big goofy grin. If I didn’t love Lexie like a sister from another mister, I’d actually be jealous of just how into her Dylan seems to be. And I love it. Love that she’s found someone who cares so much about her.
She gives him a little wink along with a sassy grin in return. “Right back at you, hot stuff.”
And just like that, we’ve once again veered towards puke-ville.
“You two lovely ladies gonna get your asses over or what?”
I shoot Lexie a questioning look. Of course, with all that loud music, I can pretty much guess what’s going on over there. These guys seem to have people coming and going all the time. And not that I’m paying attention or anything (although it’s hard not to) but a lot of them just so happen to be women. And when that’s the case, Dylan clears out and spends time at our apartment, hence the brand new shiny Xbox we have.
Lexie raises a brow at me in silent inquiry before saying, “Yep, we’re on our way.”
“See you in a few.” And with that, Dylan disappears back around the privacy fence.
Once we’re alone, she says, “They’re having a few people over. You coming?”
I wouldn’t mind hanging out for a bit but I know Roan will be there. And we haven’t exactly spoken since he verbally handed my ass to me a few days ago in our business ethics class. So… that kind of feels like an awkward situation waiting to explode in my face.
And I am so damn tired of that happening when it comes to him.
But, at some point, we’re going to have to work together on this project. And since I’m the one who assumed he was nothing more than a meathead jock, I guess it should probably be me who sucks it up and extends an olive branch so we can smooth things over and move on with our lives.
God, but I so don’t want to do that.
Is there anything worse than having to eat crow?
Nope, not really.
“Yeah, I’ll come for a little bit,” I finally mutter.
Smiling, she looks pleasantly surprised by my easy capitulation. “Awesome.” Standing, she heads towards the sliding doors. “I’m going to change and then we can get moving.”
“Sounds good.” I look down at the comfy shorts and tank I’m wearing. I suppose if I’m going to eat crow, I should probably change into something a little nicer.
Fifteen minutes later, we’re both ready to head over to the guy’s apartment. It literally sounds as if there are about a hundred people crammed inside it. Lexie is wearing black short shorts with a red sleeveless shirt that accentuates her bustiness. A pair of black wedge sandals gives her some extra height. Her long auburn hair is piled on top of her head.
Because Lexie is a fashion major, she enjoys dressing and redressing me. She’s already rifled through all the clothes I brought back from Paris and pulled ones that she is borrowing indefinitely. Which actually means in Lexie speak that I shan’t ever be seeing them again.