Page 32 of King of Campus
“I’ll be seeing you, Ivy.”
There’s a slightly mocking tone to his words that immediately has my eyes narrowing. Without another word, I spin around, pushing my way roughly towards the door of the apartment. I need to get out of here and away from him.
Roan King is nothing more than a player.
I realized it way before Finn ever tried warning me off. I’m never going to be a card carrying member of the I-want-to-sleep-with-all-the-campus-athletes club. That’s not who I am. And whatever happened between us back there, I don’t want it happening again. I’m not interested in playing these ridiculous cat and mouse games with him.
I just want to work on this project and be done with it.
Be done with him.
Chapter Ten
It’s been said that Roan King kisses and fucks just like he plays football- with an amazing amount of skill, finesse, and single minded determination. *big sigh* Oh, how I’d love to find that out firsthand…
“Are you being serious with me right now?”
Lexie is lying on her stomach in the middle of my bed flipping through the latest issue of Vogue. Vogue is her fashion bible and she treats everything written within there as if it were gospel. And since I get a free stylist out of it, I’m not really going to complain. Lexie is as passionate about fashion as I am about dance. So we have a pretty good understanding of each other.
Trying to be sneaky, I offhandedly mentioned my date with Finn while she was immersed in her magazine. I was hoping she wouldn’t be paying too much attention to what I was saying. Unfortunately that didn’t happen. As soon as I mentioned the F-word, she bolted up into a sitting position before skewering me with a hard edged glare.
So I ended up telling her about him waiting outside the studio last Saturday and us sitting down over smoothies and hashing things out. The bottom line is that he wants another chance and after a fifteen month separation, maybe we’ve both grown up enough to try again.
I liked Finn.
I was attracted to him.
I still am.
So why shouldn’t I give our relationship another shot?
Looking determined, she starts climbing off the bed. “Well, I guess you leave me no choice but to pull up all the pictures I sent you.”
“Let’s not go there.” Turning towards her, I hold her eyes before continuing, “I appreciate you trying to look out for me. I really do. But it’s just dinner. We’re not getting back together. We’re just talking things out.”
Her lips sink into a frown. With eyebrows practically meshed together, she mutters, “I don’t like Finn. He’s arrogant and a real douche for hooking up with those other girls behind your back as soon as you left. How can you just forget about all that?”
Well… I can’t exactly disagree with what she’s saying. He is a douche for doing that.
But like I said before, maybe he’s changed. I know I have. And it’s just dinner. Nothing more. “I don’t even know if I’ll see him again after this. So just chill out.”
In answer, she rolls her eyes at me.
Turning and twisting, I take a good look at myself in the mirror. “Do you like this shirt with these shorts?” Even though it’s the beginning of September, it’s still warm out. At least eighty degrees. So I’m wearing a little white halter and pale blue shorts along with a pair of silver sandals that have a small heel.
Taking my question seriously, her eyes travel slowly over me and then back up again. “Yeah, but I would pull your hair up into a messy bun and add some chunky earrings.” She purses her lips before squinting her eyes thoughtfully. “Maybe your big silver hoops.”
Grinning, I rummage through my jewelry box before finding the earrings she’s talking about. Once I gather my hair up into a bun, I turn to her with my hands outstretched in silent question.
“Yep. Totally hot.” Then she grunts, “Not than Finn deserves any of the effort.”
“Yes, yes… you’ve made your feelings on the Finn subject perfectly clear. You don’t have to say another word about it, okay?”
Shrugging, she says quietly, “I just don’t want to see you get hurt again. Even though you were all the way in Paris and I wasn’t there to help you through it, I remember how devastated you were when he ended things.”
Exhaling a big breath, my shoulders fall before I say with equal softness, “I know. And I appreciate you looking out for me, I really do. You’re a good friend, Lex, the best. But it’s just dinner. That’s it.”
Still looking skeptical, she finally nods her head begrudgingly in acceptance. “Okay.” Then she asks, “So where are you two going?”