Page 52 of King of Campus
With my eyes on his, I nip my bottom lip between my teeth. “Ummm, I don’t know.”
God knows I would dearly love to kiss him again but I’m clinging to the knowledge that it’s a bad idea. Make that a disastrous idea.
He leans just a bit closer until I can feel his warm minty breath feather lightly across my lips. Until the scent of him feels nothing short of intoxicating. “It’s just one little kiss, Ivy.”
Just a kiss…
That is true. It would be just a kiss. Because we are definitely not going any further than that.
Now I’m practically gnawing on my lower lip with indecision. His eyes drop to my mouth before he groans. I hear it rumble from deep within his chest before escaping through his slightly parted lips. This might be the only way to prove to myself that I’ve simply built up that kiss in my head. If it turns out to be nothing special, then I can stop thinking about him and move on.
“Okay,” I quickly agree before good sense returns and I chicken out.
I’m barely able to breathe out the word before his lips are siding across mine, caressing them with soft yet sure strokes. Without a second thought, I wind my arms around his neck before dragging his body closer. The growl-like sound he makes in approval fills my ears. His lips never leave mine for long. They may slant this way or that way before nipping at my bottom lip, but they’re constantly roving over mine.
I don’t know how long we stay fused together, just stroking each other’s mouths before his tongue slips inside mine. He caresses the inside of my mouth with long deep strokes that almost drive me to the brink of insanity. So drunk on the taste of him, I don’t even realize that I’m straddling his lap, grinding myself against him.
Although, to be fair, he’s thrusting himself against me as well.
And if what I’m feeling is a true indication of what lies beneath those jeans, then he’s huge.
But I have no plans to find that out firsthand.
And yet, knowing there is never going to be anything meaningful between us, here I am practically dry humping him in my bedroom. Actually there’s no practically about it. I am dry humping the guy all the while playing an intense game of tonsil hockey.
Slowly I fight my way out of the thick fog that has settled over me with the very first slide of his lips against mine. Oh, who am I kidding, I was a goner when he pulled me onto his lap and wrapped those huge bulging arms around me.
This was just plain stupid.
And I’m an idiot for allowing it to happen.
Slowly I unravel my arms from around his neck before using my palms to reluctantly push against that big broad chest of his. And yeah, he’s as solid as a damn rock. The athlete in me can totally appreciate the beauty of all that well-honed muscle. It’s obvious he spends hours in the gym working out and training on the field. He’s definitely one hell of a beautiful specimen.
Not understanding why I’m suddenly pushing away from him, his hazy blue-green eyes slowly lift to mine. It’s a small consolation that I’m not the only one who seems to be affected by that kiss. Gradually his eyes clear as they hold mine before sinking to my mouth. Slowly he licks his lips as if he’s seconds away from diving in for more.
And yeah, I want that just as much as I think he does. But… that doesn’t necessarily feel like the best idea right now. Or probably ever.
At the end of the day, he’s still Roan King. Resident football god here at Barnett. Future NFL prospect. Totally gorgeous man. And he’s smart, too. That’s clear from the little bit of research we’ve done together. He sounds almost too good to be true.
But that’s the thing.
He is.
Because Roan isn’t interested in being tied down to one girl. He’s into hooking up for the night and moving on without so much as a second thought. I almost laugh as I search those heated turquoise eyes of his. Stunning. They are totally mesmerizing in their depth and intensity. I completely understand why he has inspired legions of women at Barnett to trail after him. To cyberstalk him.
Who wouldn’t want to tame a guy like that?
Even I, a girl who considers herself above all that BS, feel slightly tempted to try my hand at it. But that’s where the logical side of my brain kicks in because I know all too well that trying to bring a guy like Roan to heal rarely works.
Instead, I’ll be the one left nursing a broken heart and I’m not really willing to take a chance like that. Finn hurt me enough when I left for my study abroad program. And it’s more than obvious that Finn and Roan are cut from the same cloth. Which is probably why they don’t seem to like one another. So, as tempted as I am to take this attraction further, I know exactly how it will end.