Page 68 of King of Campus
It’s taking everything within me not to reach out and bury my fingers in all that silky looking ebony colored hair. To pull his face down to mine so I can feel his mouth roving gently over mine.
Inhaling a shaky breath, I realize the bastard has finally done it.
He’s finally gotten to me.
I have zero interest in being one of the many women he’s knocked boots with but… there’s no denying that I’m totally and unequivocally sexually attracted to him. In the worst way possible. And how attentive he was at my dad’s house last Sunday… yep, that was the clincher.
Unaware of the inner turmoil roiling through me, Roan says, “So I was thinking we could just talk face to face instead of emailing back and forth.”
That doesn’t necessarily seem like the best idea given how I’m currently feeling.
At the moment, I want to slap myself silly for allowing this to happen. Instead of slamming the door in his face like every instinct within is screaming for me to do, I clear my throat. “Um, sure.” Standing back, I allow him into the apartment.
Without another word, he heads straight back to my room. Apparently realizing we’re alone, he nods his head towards Lexie’s closed bedroom door. “Dylan and Lexie are in there?”
“Yeah.” Unconsciously my eyes slide in that direction as well. I can’t help but wonder what’s going on. Is Lexie pregnant or not? Is she at least okay?
Stopping in his tracks, he turns to me before asking with a slight frown marring his handsome face, “You, ah, haven’t heard any loud grunting, have you?”
My brows slide together in obvious question. Grunting? I was maybe expecting some crying if the test turns out to be positive… but not grunting. “No,” I say slowly, “I haven’t heard anything like that at all.”
Looking suddenly contemplative, he narrows his eyes. “Maybe we should just head out and grab some dinner instead. I don’t want to be here when the grunting and moaning starts.”
Is he being serious? I almost can’t contain the gurgle of laughter that threatens to escape from my lips. “What are you even talking about?”
The corners of his mouth tug up before he says in a loud whisper, once again jerking his head towards the closed door, “Haven’t you heard them having sex before?”
“Oh my god, no!” Now I am laughing and he’s laughing too. “I try very hard not to hear that. They’re called earbuds, dude. You need to invest in some if you’re being subjected to that.”
He snorts. “Trust me, dude, I have to use them all the time with those two.”
I can’t help but shake my head. “I don’t really want to hear this.”
“Then we should definitely leave before it starts.”
Considering what Lexie shared with me this afternoon, it’s highly doubtful there will be any grunting going on tonight, but I can’t very well tell Roan that.
“Okay. Let me grab my purse and we can go.” Even though I know damn well that spending more time alone with Roan isn’t going to dampen any of the feelings that have sprung up so unexpectedly within me, I just can’t bring myself to turn him down.
So, for better or worse, I’m going out.
With Roan King.
God help me.
Chapter Nineteen
Ohhhh, a sighting at Peppino’s has been made and (gasp!) he’s with the same girl from the photos previously published on this very site! I’m sad to say that whatever is going on over at that table looks pretty damn serious…
He takes me to a popular pizza joint located in the middle of town. I haven’t been here since I left for Paris. It’s actually one of my favorite restaurants. So coming back after nearly a year and a half of being away has nostalgia wrapping around me like a thick comfy blanket.
Grabbing a booth, we’re given menus although I don’t even bother looking at mine. I know exactly what I’m having. I notice Roan doesn’t pick his up from the table either.
“Know what you want?”
“Yep. Mushroom, sausage, and pepperoni.” It’s my absolute favorite. And I especially love the way they prepare it here because the sausage is cut paper thin instead of left in little chunky balls and the mushrooms are ridiculously huge. The crust is New York style which means it’s super thin. A lot of people like to eat it by folding the slice in half. My mouth literally starts to water even thinking about it. I’m suddenly glad Roan suggested we come here.
For just a moment he stares at me silently. “That’s my favorite too. Did you know that?”
I almost snort. Is he seriously suggesting I’ve been what- cyberstalking him? You know… just in case we grabbed a pizza together which, let me remind you, was entirely his idea in the first place?