Page 85 of King of Campus
“Okay,” I nod, “that makes sense, but maybe you just need to go on the pill and continue using condoms. That way you’re doubly protected. If one fails, you’re still good.”
“I tried going on the pill freshman year and all it did was make me sick.” Looking resolute, she shakes her head. “It’s not an option.”
I nod, suddenly remembering exactly what she’s talking about. For some reason, Lexie was really sensitive to the estrogen and progestin hormones in the pill. She was nauseous all the time and didn’t last more than two weeks on it. And I certainly can’t say I blame her for it either. She was miserable.
“Maybe you should go back to the clinic and talk to someone about what other options are available. There has to be something else besides condoms.”
Halfheartedly she shrugs her shoulders. Already I can tell that no matter what I say, her mind is made up. “Maybe. I just don’t want to think about it right now.”
“Okay,” I agree lightly, “just promise me that you’ll talk with Dylan. He was really upset when I found him sitting in the living room, Lex.” I can’t help but remember how he said he was simply waiting for me to come home so she wouldn’t be alone. I mean… she can’t dump someone who loves her so much!
“I know. I…I just need a break right now. I need to focus on my classes and be on my own for a little while.”
My eyes skim over her. She looks tired and pale and just as miserable as the guy she broke up with. “Have you even eaten today?” There are dark smudges under her eyes. I’m betting she hasn’t.
“No, I wasn’t hungry and after the appointment there was just so much churning in my head. And then Dylan and I kind of got into a fight.”
“About what?”
She swipes at another tear. “He was so ecstatic that I wasn’t pregnant and couldn’t understand why I was still upset about everything. He seriously wanted to come back here and have celebratory sex.” She gives me a look like he asked her to murder a basket full of puppies.
I give her a small smile in return. Because yeah, I get where she’s coming from. But it just sounds like he was being a typical guy.
“I think he was relieved that everything was okay.”
Her brows snap together as a spark of fire jumps into her eyes. “Don’t make excuses for him! The guy thinks about sex twenty-four seven. I mean, obviously I was relieved too, but I wasn’t about to jump back into bed and do what had gotten us into this mess in the first place!”
Her aggravated tone has the edges of my lips twitching upwards. “I’m not making excuses for him. I’m just trying to see it from his perspective, Lex. That’s all. I’m just trying to wrap my head around two people who still love each other but aren’t together anymore.”
She closes her eyes as if suddenly exhausted by everything that has happened. Or maybe it’s just our conversation that’s wearing her out. “I just want some time to sort through everything. That’s all.”
“Okay. It makes sense you might feel that way after the scare you’ve had. I get it.” I squeeze her leg. “I really do.” Shifting the conversation, I ask instead, “So, there’s some leftover pizza in the fridge from last night, how about I heat you up a few slices?”
The way she perks up is almost comical. “From Peppino’s? Sausage, mushroom and pepperoni?”
“You know it,” I laugh. It’s always been our go-to takeout. It got us through finals and a few break ups freshman year. It’s the best comfort food in the world.
“I’ll just have it cold.” Flopping back onto her pillows, she adds sweetly, “Two pieces, please.”
Cold pizza sounds amazingly good right now. “You got it.” Standing up, I head to our small kitchen, getting two huge slices for each of us. I bring the pizza into her bedroom before going back for drinks and napkins. Once I have everything we need for an impromptu picnic dinner on her bed, we both dig in.
“You went out last night, huh?” She asks this right before taking a monster bite from her slice. And just like me last night, her eyes nearly roll back in her head. “So, so good. It’s even better cold the next day.”
I agree, taking a large mouthful of my own. “Yep.” I’m really hoping she won’t push the dinner issue any further.
But already I can see the wheels in her head starting to turn as her eyes narrow speculatively. I almost groan. Even in the midst of her own personal crises, she still wants to talk about my non-existent love life.