Page 95 of King of Campus
“I don’t believe you,” she finally says.
I stop before turning towards her. “I wouldn’t lie to you. We just kissed. That’s it.” Okay… so maybe I’m omitting this morning’s dry humping action…
Huffing out a breath, she says with exasperation, “Un-freaking-believable! You seriously have to be the only girl at Barnett who’s actually slept in bed with him and not had sex!”
Her words only remind me of what he’d recently confided- that he’s never slept in bed with a woman before. That it’s always been about the physical act and nothing more.
“Yes, well, I was more than willing,” I mutter under my breath before I can think better of it.
“What?” Lexie all but screeches the word. I actually wince as a few people passing by turn to stare in our direction. The last thing I want is to draw more attention to myself. And because it’s pretty much out there that we’re together, I’m no longer able to move around campus completely unnoticed.
I groan out the words as my cheeks flag with color, “Can we just drop the subject, please?”
For once, Lexie looks as if she might actually be considering my request. Looking agreeable, she holds up her hands. “Fine. We’ll table this discussion until lunch.”
Great. Now I have something to look forward to…
Hearing my name, my head unconsciously snaps in the direction it’s coming from. When my eyes land on a group of three girls I don’t know, I just keep walking. I’m hoping if I ignore them, they’ll just go away. I’m tired of girls coming up to me, asking a bunch of stupid questions about Roan.
Or worse…
But then I hear it again. “Hey, Ivy- wait up!”
This time, when I glance over at them, they’ve closed the gap between us. Stopping, I turn towards their small group. I hear Lexie grumble something unintelligible under her breath.
Out of the three women, the blonde in the middle seems to be in charge. “Are you Ivy? The same Ivy who’s going out with Roan King?”
Sensing trouble, Lexie quickly flanks my side. Her brows draw tightly together. Before I can even open my mouth to answer, she cuts in, “What do you want, Jillian?”
Very rarely have I heard Lexie use such a shitty tone with someone before. Which pretty much tells me everything I need to know about this conversation. My eyes bounce between Jillian and Lexie before settling once again on the curvy blonde.
Going out might be overstating things just a bit, but I don’t tell her that. It’s none of her damn business what Roan and I are to each other. I’ve never even seen this girl before. I have no idea who she is.
Her perfectly sculpted brows snap together as her eyes slowly slide their way down my body before coming back up to rest on my face. She looks none to impressed with what she finds standing before her.
I guess that makes two of us.
“Is there a reason you wanted to talk to me?” In hindsight, I should have just turned around and walked away at that point. Guess I’ll know better next time. Although I’m hoping there won’t be a next time.
“Yeah, I wanted to know how someone who looks like you managed to snag Roan.”
Feeling as if I’ve just been bitch slapped into next week, I stand there immobilized. I mean… what exactly am I supposed to say to that? Although, unfortunately, I think my mouth has fallen open in shock.
“What the hell kind of question is that?” Thank god for Lexie. It’s those whipped out words that finally have me snapping out of my stupor. “You’re just bitter that Roan wasn’t interested in anything more than nailing your ass.”
The pretty blonde narrows her eyes at Lexie. “Who the hell is even talking to you, Lexie? For god’s sake, you couldn’t even hold onto Dylan Sullivan. Seriously, how sad is that?” A mean little glint enters her eyes before she smirks. “By the way, I heard he was with Sloan Morgan at the Sigma house last night.”
When Lexie’s face pales, the other girl covers her pouty little mouth with her hand. “Oops, sorry… thought you knew he had already moved on.”
“You’re such a bitch,” she seethes. Her hands tighten into clenched fists that hang at her sides. I really hope she doesn’t decide to throw a punch. I don’t know if we could take all three of these girls. I also hope for Dylan’s sake, that he was nowhere near the Sigma house last night.
“I know.” Jillian smiles sweetly before her eyes arrow right back to mine. Her lip curls up with distain. “I seriously have no idea what he sees in you. I mean, you’re flat as a board.” Arching a brow, she looks as though she’s considering something. “Well, you must give one hell of a blow job.” Then she shrugs her shapely shoulders. “Enjoy him while you can, honey, it won’t last long. In case you haven’t noticed, Roan likes to spread himself around.”