Page 15 of Fate Book
I slipped on my favorite pink nightie—the one with little black puppies—and wrapped a towel on my head. I looked in the mirror. Without a doubt, I’d been hit by a car. I hadn’t noticed before, but there was a dark bruise just above my left brow.
I slipped the neck of my gown off my shoulder and inspected the purple and black pear-shaped mark. Janice had really done this to me? I still couldn’t believe it. I mean, malicious was one thing, but murderous was in another camp altogether. Perhaps the rumors had been true; she had mental issues and had gone off her meds.
I reached for my doorknob, planning to go find my mother, when my cell phone rang. Santiago flashed across the screen. My entire body tensed up as I thought about not answering it. But if I didn’t, would he come back to my house? He seemed like the exact kind of person who might do that.
I answered, but didn’t say anything.
“How are you feeling?” his voice sounded irritated.
He wanted to know how I felt? “Terrified.”
“You remember what I told you, right babe?”
Babe. He called me babe. Like we were sweethearts. I didn’t know how to respond, so I didn’t.
“Look out your window,” he said.
My pulse revved as I walked over and looked down at the sidewalk. The tall, dark shadow of a man leaned against a motorcycle of gleaming chrome under the moonlit sky.
“I won’t be far, Dakota.” Had he meant that as a threat? Or to comfort me?
I nodded and backed away from the blinds.
“Now get some rest,” he commanded.
The call ended, and I sat on the bed. “This isn’t happening. He’s not real…”
Afterward, I lay there, trying to solve the puzzle, but got nowhere. Eventually, I drifted off and dreamed of another life. I imagined it was the one I might’ve had if things hadn’t taken such a drastic turn. Instead of being hit by a car, I showed up at school and ran into Janice outside of homeroom. She and her friends laughed at me, which I expected, but when I saw Dax’s face as I entered the class, that’s when it really stung. Maybe it was pity or disdain, but the look in his eyes made me feel hollow. Ashamed.
Maybe my new alternate reality wasn’t so bad after all.
“Honey, I’m leaving for work now,” my mother’s calm and cheery voice infiltrated my deep sleep. “Mandy also left you a note—she stopped by before school, but I didn’t want to wake you.”
I looked at my nightstand, but there was still no clock so I looked at my phone instead. It was well past noon.
“And,” she added, “your father texted this morning. Says he’ll FaceTime you as soon as he checks into his hotel in Shanghai. Probably around 10:00 p.m. our time.”
He’d been in Australia earlier in the week, so I knew that meant he’d be tired. But he generally Skyped or FaceTimed with me every two weeks. In another month he was due home, so I’d see him.
“Okay. Rest.” She kissed my forehead. “I love you, honey.”
“Wait. Mom.”
She was almost to the doorway. “Uh-huh?”
“It’s about Santiago.”
She smiled. “He’s in the kitchen, making you breakfast.”
“He is?”
“He called this morning and said his schedule freed up so he asked to keep you company.”
Terrified, I just stared. I didn’t know what to say. This was bad. Really, really bad. What if this guy didn’t leave? Would I have to run? Give up my life to get away from him? Not that my current life was oh-so-wonderful, but I had plans. College. My new life.
I sighed deeply. How the hell did I get myself into this? Just a few days ago, the most important things in my life were telling off some stupid girl and getting a guy to smile at me. None of that seemed important now. My entire life had taken a trip down the rabbit hole, and I just wanted to dig myself out before it ruined my plans for a future. I deserved the happiness that awaited me. I’d worked damned hard for it.
“Is everything all right?” she asked.
I knew Santiago was in the other room. If I told her the truth—or what I believed to be the truth—would Santiago really tell her about my dad? Would he really hurt me?
Shit. “Nothing. I guess I’m still freaked out,” I said.
“That’s a very normal reaction. You almost died yesterday,” she replied. “But you have nothing to worry about. You’re safe. Alive. And that Janice girl is in custody. If she ever comes near you again, there’ll be hell to pay.”
Wow. I’d never heard my mom say an angry word about anyone.
I bobbed my head. “Can you come home early tonight?” I didn’t want to spend any more time than necessary with Santiago.
Her sparkling blue eyes studied me for a moment. “Okay. I’ll do my best, but I want you in bed—alone—before I get home.”