Page 37 of Fanged Love by
I stare out the window, noting that Neli is still standing behind me, stewing, so I give her the orders that will send her away and keep her occupied for a long while: “I will need my new must-have tees pressed by sundown tomorrow.” I wonder if this is enough busywork, so I add, “Also, I would like you to establish a falconry. Make that happen immediately. I do enjoy watching a bird of prey at work. It reminds me of my youth.” There. That should keep her busy. And once she is done with that, I will come up with more frivolous tasks. Perhaps have her buy some llamas and learn the fine art of weaving wool. Anything to prevent her from scheming or meddling in my romantic affairs.
“I know what you’re doing,” Neli says, “so if you truly don’t want Stella, I’m willing to accept it. No need to make me start an aviary or menagerie. But in all my years of knowing you, Boz, I’ve never seen you abandon a friend or ally in distress.”
I turn and narrow my eyes. “Stella is neither.”
“She is a neighbor, which technically makes her an ally. Even more importantly, you know her family’s vineyard is on the verge of going out of business, and you gave Stella your word to help them.”
My conscience makes a rare appearance, stabbing me with guilt. I did say I would help Stella, and Neli knows I cannot so easily turn my back on a vow. Damn my chivalrous nature. I want to do the impossible—rescue a woman and resist her at the same time.
Neli continues. “Her winery will go under in less than a year. Her family, whom she loves, will be destitute. Her younger sisters will have to give up their dream. Unless you’re a man of honor.”
Damn that Neli. She knows that maintaining my honor is my Achilles’ heel, but this is one of those rare occasions when I am damned if I do, damned if I do not. “I am a vampire of great power. I will get over the tarnish to my stellar reputation.”
She smiles. “I’m sure you will, but deep down, I know you’ll do the right thing and keep your word to Stella and to me. You help her, get to know her, make her your bride, and let me go. Everlasting love is your reward.”
Only my honor prevents me from destroying the delicate perfection of Stella. It is a painful irony.
“Please, Boz, do this for me.”
I feel the tugging on my cold, unbeating heart. Neli does not understand what she’s truly asking of me, of the risks to Stella. On the other hand, I am Prince Bozhidar. I have never walked away from something simply because it is difficult. For example, during a time of great famine and war in my lands, the humans fled and left me with very little food. Of course, I refused to abandon my castle, so I struck a deal with some unsavory merchant types, who often purchased wine from my vineyard to sell in faraway lands. In exchange for wine, they would bring me women. Food. From where? They did not say, but it seemed like an excellent idea at the time—I was pretty hungry. When my shipment finally showed up, I took in the women’s dirty, pale, bruised bodies all lashed together with rope. Clearly they had been mistreated. I ate the merchants instead—they tasted horrible. Then I freed the women. Of course, they had no way of getting home—they were many, all from lands I had never heard of, so I had to take them in. I had a very clean castle for many years.
“Very well,” I grumble. “I will help Stella in any way she requires.” And then turn away forever. I am strong. I will endure the temptation.
Neli throws her arms around me. “Thank you!”
I pat her back two times. The display of affection is entirely inappropriate. Still, an unusual glow of warmth spreads through my body. It almost feels like life has returned. Impossible. But nice.
I’m still not quite sure why I’m experiencing a sudden fascination with my neighbor, but it’s so intense that when I woke the other morning, I could smell him on my pillow—a woodsy aroma that reminds me of the night.
Such a weird thing to think, right? I mean, what does the night smell like? Maybe campfires and hot chocolate? Or…toasted marshmallows? I’m not sure, but his cologne is sweet and delicious. I just don’t understand how it got all over my room.
Hmmm… I feel like the answer is right on the top of my head, but I can’t quite get at it. There’s been a lot of that happening lately. Must be all the stress.
I toss the gray queen-size comforter off and swing my legs over the side of the mattress. The early rays of the sun peek around the curtains on the double window adjacent to my bed. Just behind those curtains is my fabulous view of Castle Sangria. I smile to myself and stand. I feel rested and energetic, like I could take on the world.