Page 43 of Fanged Love by
Seriously, Neli? A scarf? Neli is diabolical.
Neli continues. “All right now. Just turn your head a little, Stella, so I can put this on you for a true blind taste test. I just want to be sure you’re happy with the perfect blend—no influence from us.”
“Oh. Sounds fun,” Stella says.
Fun? I think being staked in the gonads would be more enjoyable. I snarl silently at Neli as she goes behind Stella to tie it on and completely ignores my warning.
Once Stella’s eyes are covered, I start making a slicing motion with my finger across my throat. You are a dead dorko, Neli.
Neli smirks like the evil female she is and finishes tying the scarf securely, placing her finger over her lips in a shushing gesture to me.
Did she just shush me? A vampire? I never! But Neli is smart. She knows I cannot do a thing. Not now anyway. There is always later. Perhaps I will revoke her yacht privileges.
“Okay.” Neli leans down to Stella’s ear. “How’s that?”
Stella holds her fingers up in front of her eyes. “I can’t see a thing.”
“Great. Try this one first.” Neli puts a glass in her hand.
I whip my finger through the air and point angrily to the empty chair at the head of the table, ordering Neli to take a seat.
Like she did when we first met, Neli sticks her tongue out and runs away, racing up the stairs. Damn her speedy and crafty insolent ways! I should have made a meal of her when she was eighteen. But nooo…I had to make her my major-dingo.
“Mmm,” Stella says after sipping. “That was very good. Just a splash of merlot, right?”
“Correct,” I say.
She beams a smile that stuns me. No woman has ever smiled at me like that. Like she is thrilled just to be with me. She looks like an innocent captive virgin awaiting my command in her blindfold and pink dress. Soft, feminine—
Clumsy. I shoot a hand out with my lightning-fast reflexes to catch the bowl of cherries she nearly knocked over as she reached for one.
She holds up the cherry, unaware she nearly tossed the lot of them. “Palate cleanser.” She pops it in her mouth and chews. “These are amazing. Where did you get them, Neli?”
I pause, enthralled as Stella licks a drop of cherry juice from her full lower lip.
“Neli?” Stella asks.
My voice is hoarse. “Neli had to see to some business upstairs.” Sharpening her horns or something. “She will be back shortly.” I pull out the Summoner under the table and discreetly pound out another message to the impudent major-dodo. This time she responds: Spend some time with her. I promise I’ll return soon.
Stella pats around the table. “Where’s the napkin?”
“Here.” I place it in her hand, and her fingers close partially around my hand, the touch firing through my senses.
“Thank you.” She wipes her mouth and discards the pit, discreetly wrapping the napkin closed. “Did you like this blend too?”
“I have my opinion, but Neli and I would like to hear yours first.”
I have already decided that decanter three is the superior blend. Neli agrees, but she wants Stella to come to the conclusion on her own. Of course, none of that matters right now, since all I can think of is adding a fourth blend to our tasting fun this evening: Stella.
Number four—I mean, Stella holds out her palm blindly, smiling sweetly. I find myself leaning forward—to kiss or breathe her in or taste? Yes. I want it all. “I’m ready for the second glass.”
I pour it for her and place the glass in her hand, taking the opportunity to let my fingertips brush against hers again. I know I shouldn’t. I know I am only torturing myself with the morsels of intimacy, but I cannot seem to help myself.
Her cheeks and neck flush pink. My touch affects her as much as it affects me, and I do not know what to make of it fully. I have never experienced anything like this with a woman, where her every move, her every breath leaves me hypnotized.
I watch as Stella sips the next blend, my gaze fixated on her sensual lips. “It’s a little too fruity,” she says.
Most likely from the cherry she just ate. “Yes.” I refrain from correcting her. She is perfect just as she is.
“Please tell me it’s not just me sipping delicious wine and scarfing down cherries.” She picks up a cherry, her lips closing around it as she sucks it off the stem.
“Sweet Stella, enjoy.” I am losing my damn mind, torn between wanting her and protecting her innocence. Also, my leather trousers are suddenly unbearably tight. I am so tempted to storm up the stairs, grab Neli by the scruff of the neck, and bring her down here to sit with Stella and make her watch Stella’s sensual lips dripping with blood-red juice. But that would mean leaving Stella blindfolded and alone. She might take it as an insult.