Page 57 of Fanged Love by
Boz lifts his head, blood dripping from his mouth. That same mouth that bit my neck. My vision dims at the edges, my heartbeat roaring in my ears. I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.
And then the world goes black.
“Shit,” Neli says, walking into the room and shutting the door behind her. “How are we going to come back from this one?”
Stella is unconscious on the floor, the blanket falling off her. I scoop her up and tuck her into bed. I stare at the bite marks on her neck. I stopped myself. I don’t know where I found the control, but I did it. It must be that I could never destroy my true mate. I’m sure that’s what she is. Our heartbeats were in perfect rhythm while I drank from her, and when she climaxed, I could swear I felt it too. Her every moan and quake were like my own.
I’m done for. From this day forward, I somehow know my entire world will revolve around her.
I look over at Neli, who’s now standing on the other side of the bed. “You were right. She is my mate.”
“No. Really?” Neli rubs the back of her neck. “Well, you know I love to hear I’m right, Boz, but now we have a teensy problem: She just saw you kill a man. That might not be so easy for a modern person to handle. This isn’t like back when you ruled eight hundred years ago with unlimited power. Back then you were the boss, and it was accepted that you had the right to punish as you saw fit.”
“I never stopped being the boss.”
She grimaces. “Okay. Fine. But there are laws against killing. And those laws apply even to you.”
“I do not have to obey human laws. I am a vampire.”
“I get that, but the laws are a reflection of human values. They are not okay with witnessing people die. It really freaks them out.”
We both stare at Stella looking so innocent lying in my bed, her lashes fanning over her pale cheeks.
And then I understand what Neli is trying to say. “She’ll think I’m a monster.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Neli says. “But maybe if you explain. Tell her who and what you are; she’ll understand the way of it.”
She sounds as uncertain as I feel. But what choice do I have? She will walk away if she believes I’m a killer. But vampires have a code. We never kill those who don’t deserve it. This vampire hunter deserved to die. He and his cohorts violated Stella’s family home, putting her and her family at risk in his zeal to stalk me. I had to rid the earth of him.
Stella stirs with a soft sound. “She’s waking,” I whisper to Neli, who gestures for me to get in there and try to undo the damage.
I sit on the mattress next to Stella. “Hello, my sweet. Are you all right? Can you hear me?”
“Gah!” Stella scrambles to a sitting position, yanking the covers up to her chin. “Get away from me! What. Are. You?” The terror and confusion in her eyes are palpable.
I will break the news gently. Which part would be less terrifying to her? Is she more afraid of vampires or killers?
“What. Are. You?” she repeats.
“I am Prince Bozhidar Alexandru of Transylvania.” I rise and bow.
“I-I thought your first name was Prince. You’re an actual prince?” Her gaze darts to Neli for confirmation.
I find it odd that her mind is skipping over more pressing matters, such as, I just killed a man in front of her. She must be in shock.
Neli backs up a step. “I’ll leave this conversation to the two of you.”
“Don’t go,” Stella says, fear laced in her voice. I can hear her rapid pulse.
“I’ll be back in a few,” Neli says, shooting me a significant look. She will take care of the body. This top floor has my room and Neli’s servant quarters next door so she can see to my needs. I’m sure that’s where she’s taking him.
I hear her grunt and then grumble as she attempts to move him. She’s not as strong as I am. Stella’s eyes widen at the sounds even she can hear.
“I will be right back, sweet Stella. Everything will be explained.”
I use my speed to lift the body swiftly up and out the door. Neli follows me, opening the door to her room for me.
Just as I return to my room, I notice Neli has followed.
“Maybe I should stay in your room while you talk to her, Boz,” Neli says. “For moral support. While you wipe her memory. You can explain who you are when you think she’s ready.”
“I will not resort to trickery. She’s my mate, and the sooner she understands what that entails, the sooner she can come to terms with it. Now, go.”