Page 76 of Fanged Love by
“And ruin the surprise?” She shrugs. “That’s also part of the fun of a Gillmoreanu wedding. It’s a symbol for life. The bride and groom don’t know what lies ahead, but whatever happens, they’re in it together. I mean, obviously, I couldn’t keep all of the details a secret since dresses and suits are involved. But the rest, I assure you, will blow your mind. You like clowns, right?”
Oh God. I hate clowns.
“Just kidding.” Neli laughs. “You’re going to have the time of your life tonight. I promise. So, are you ready? Because I hear a flute playing the wedding march,” she singsongs and opens the door to the ballroom. She gestures for the twins to go in to their seats.
I can see straight down the aisle. At the end, Boz waits in his black tux with a red bowtie. My parents are beside me, and there are hundreds of people in there, most of whom I can’t see, but it just doesn’t matter. All I see is him and those dark, seductive, loving eyes. Everything else fades away—my doubt, my fears, my nervousness. I suddenly hear his heart beating alongside mine. How? I don’t know, but I hear it. And I know. He is my fanged love. We are a once-in-an-existence kind of love.
I smile at Neli. “Thank you. It’s the most perfect wedding ever.” With my parents by my side, I begin my march down the aisle, never wanting to look back.
“Wow. That was some wedding!” Stella jumps into my arms. Now that we are in the privacy of my bedchamber and the guests have finally left, I am eager to spend what remains of the night with her. I did say I’d be her slave in the bedroom. And Neli made sure to include it in my part of the vows: I pledge to share my life openly, speak the truth, cherish her, and encourage her fulfillment as an individual throughout our lives. Clearly, fulfillment is a sex thing, but first…
I pull away so that I may gaze at my bride. Her rosy cheeks are the epitome of a blushing bride. Her beautiful brown eyes are filled with joy. Her skin carries the sweet aroma of roses and fills the air with it. It pleased me to discover that I had been wrong about her selling her maidenhead for a plane ticket—something I discovered the first night I nibbled on her neck after our return from France. She still tastes amazing. So virginal. I shall miss it, but I will enjoy bedding her more.
“Why aren’t you kissing me?” she asks. “We only have forty minutes until sunrise.”
“Because when you have lived as long as I, you do not want to rush moments like these. You want to savor them.”
“Okay, but…can’t you savor me in the bed? For thirty-nine minutes?” She smiles, and I cannot help melting on the inside. I can deny my bride nothing. She will be the most spoiled wife to ever walk the earth.
“I will savor you, worship you, and do anything you wish, my love. I am yours to command.”
“Oh. I like that. Then I wish you to remove my dress, throw me on that bed, and make love to me. Hard. Well, not so hard that you break anything, but I’ve got a lot of frustration built up.”
I bow my head and place a lingering kiss on her warm, sweet lips. My heart glows from the inside out, pumping heat through my cold veins and down to my straining manhood.
I break the kiss and take another look at my bride. Tonight marks the beginning of a new life. “I think I should be gentle with you the first time, Stella. I know from extensive research reading Cosmo that losing your virginity to such a well-endowed man might cause extreme discomfort.”
“Virginity? But, Boz, I’m not—”
“Not ashamed. I know. You are a modern woman who embraces her decisions.” I bow my head and kiss her hard, this time with intent. This time unleashing my passion. I pick her up and take her to the bed, where I rip off her hideous red dress. Neli is a prankster, that one. She knows the proper dress for any vampire bride is black leather. But I will let it slide. After all, I have my mate. I have the sexiest woman on the planet. And tonight, I will make love to her until her head explodes.
Or at least for the next thirty-seven minutes.
If Boz doesn’t want to hear that I’m not a virgin, then okay. I’m way too wrapped up in him and our now naked bodies pressed tightly together on his huge four-poster bed. I know he’s wrapped up too, because he didn’t even notice the lingerie. He tore it away with the hideous poofy red dress and then removed his tux.