Page 78 of Fanged Love by
He holds himself inside me for several seconds, and I feel my inner walls tightening around his shaft. Each contraction sends my mind spinning into the atmosphere. And he’s right there with me.
After several long moments, my mind drifts back down to my weightless body. Everything in the room looks brighter and clearer, and I feel more alive than ever.
“That was amazing,” I pant, with him still inside me.
“Yes. Well, I am a vampire. The strongest, deadliest, most sexy vampire ever to live.”
“No. You’re my vampire.”
He raises his head and gazes into my eyes. “And you are my Stella. Forever.”
One year later.
“Happy anniversary, my love.” I show up to my bedchamber just after sundown with a dozen red roses in my hand. Stella is already waiting for me, naked on the bed, her warm brown eyes glowing with the deepest happiness she’s ever known. I can feel it.
“Hello there, husband of one year.” She smiles. “Are you ready to take my virginity again?” She chuckles.
“Very funny.” Yes, I did realize she wasn’t a virgin on our wedding night, but I didn’t care. Not one little bit. The fact that she gave herself to me completely and we bonded was far more important than some maidenhead. Besides, as I read in Cosmo, a more experienced woman is better in bed and more willing to try new things. Stella is quite the adventurous lover. Just last night, we made love while riding a horse.
“I still wonder, though, why I taste like roses to you,” she asks.
I shrug and begin removing my clothes. “Neli believes it is a mate thing—a way for us to identify one another.”
“Guess it doesn’t matter. I would love you even if your blood smelled like yucky coppery stuff. Oh. Speaking of Neli, have you heard from her?”
I slide into bed, leaving on my leather pants. I know that Stella enjoys her first fuck of the evening when I have them on. She likes peeling them down and cupping my ass as I ride her. Later, after I’ve eaten, I enjoy taking her on long walks through the vineyard and making love to her there, surrounded by all the smells of the earth and vines. I am a very romantic man, according to the online Facebook quizzes. I’ve also learned that if I were a potato, I would be a French fry. Facebook quizzes are so very informative.
“I have not heard from our dear Neli, but I assume she is out exploring all of the facets of her new body and freedom.”
Stella sighs as I lay myself next to her. “Do you think she’ll ever find someone and be as happy as we are?”
“No. I do not. No one can possibly be as happy as we are, yet I do hope she will be.”
“Me too. I hope she finds her mate.” Stella pauses. “Because I seriously want to plan her wedding. I’m thinking lime green and a seahorse theme.”
I laugh. “Our red wedding was quite the spectacle, and the fireworks, mimes and pickpockets were very original. I cannot claim to have ever been to a wedding like ours.” I kiss my wife, feeling her contented heart seep into mine. For now, she has everything she’s ever wanted. Her family is happy. The wineries are thriving. Her sisters are on their way to New York and Paris as we speak, to learn the culinary arts. Tomorrow, her parents will go on their first vacation in years—to some resort in the Bahamas, where they do this whole fantasy thing. It was very expensive, but they can afford it now.
I just hope they don’t run into any mermen. Yuck.
“I wouldn’t change a thing,” Stella says. “But payback will be glorious.”
“Enough talk about Neli,” I say. “Tell me what you desire tonight. A good spanking? A candlelit dinner?”
Stella smiles. “I think…I would like to start a family.”
“So soon? We just married. How about we wait a few hundred years?” I want her all to myself.
“Yeah, but I’ve been giving it a lot of thought. I want to become a vampire. After I have kids, and they’re all grown.”
I am not one hundred percent certain we can have children. The old legends say we can, but I’ve yet to see such a child.
I crinkle my nose. “As I mentioned, I am uncertain we can have children.”
“Why don’t we just try?”
“Are you certain? Wait! Did you say you want to become a vampire?”
Stella nods. “I really want to learn how to levitate. It looks so cool.”
“I am unsure if that’s a reason.”
“Well, I have plenty of time to think it over. And if we can’t have kids, well, then, I have you. Maybe my sisters will have kids, and I can spoil the hell out of them.”
I love that Stella always finds the good in every situation. “I love you, wife.”