Page 53 of The Dead King
“I’m listening.” He sounded bored, like he’d done this before. Probably because he had.
I finally got to my feet and started coming up behind her. King gave me a warning with his eyes. I didn’t know what he was up to, but I supposed that was for the best. Serina shared his gift of mind picking.
In fact…
I tried shoving the thought away, but now that the question popped into my head, I couldn’t stop it. He knew she could read people’s thoughts. So why the hell would he let me in on his plans for tomorrow?
My wide eyes met his. I didn’t mean to tell her. I’m sorry.
Serina’s gaze toggled between us. I was fairly sure she couldn’t read his mind—he was too powerful not to have figured out how to protect himself by now—but she could read mine, and mine was busy thinking. King wasn’t a stupid man. No one got to be his age by being a fool or bad at strategy.
“Jeni is correct,” King said to Serina. “And it is the very reason I planned to make you an offer first.”
Serina cackled with delight. “And what do you have that I could possibly want this time? I already took control of Ten Club without any help from you and your Seer bitches.” Her brown eyes went wide. “Oh, wait. You weren’t planning on offering me all your stuff again, were you?” She swiped a hand through the air and laughed. “I’ve got my own collection of goodies.”
“No. This is a much better deal,” he said.
“Can’t wait. Bring it.” She crossed her arms over her chest.
“Your life.”
“Sorry?” She laughed.
“I am offering to let you live. Just turn around, walk out that door, go back to one of your many mansions with your dozens of sex slaves, and enjoy your life. Or stay and die along with the other Ten Club members.” He flashed a sadistic smile.
She frowned. “Funny. You think you can take me? Go ahead. Try.”
His smile melted away. “I do not wish to take you. Death does. And he’s standing right behind you.”
The moment he said that, my mind couldn’t help thinking about that night when Randall attacked me and he died, and also the night I killed King. Serina had shown up for the second one, so she’d seen my handiwork.
Serina’s mouth flapped for a moment. “But she…I thought she was…”
“What?” King said, all cockiness. “That Jeni was just another little Seer who channeled energy or predicted the future?” He shook his head. “Who do you think brought me back from the dead after twenty-five years, Serina? Who resurrected me from the bottom of the ocean?”
“You had that ring on,” she argued.
He shook his head no. “You witnessed it yourself the other day when you encountered me with Jeni in my warehouse. No ring. Yet here I am. So choose. Death or life?”
“But what did I do—what’s death want?” She sounded like a child trying to whine her way through getting caught.
“Like the other members of Ten Club, you have been meddling in things you should not. Death wants its pound of flesh, Serina.” He leaned in. “Everything comes with a price.”
“What about you? You’re the biggest offender. You’re a thousand times worse than me.”
“That is not your concern.” He drew a slow breath and stared at her with a drab expression.
Serina didn’t flinch.
“Very well.” He looked at me. “You know what to do.”
“I’m going. I’m going!” Serina started to leave.
“Wait,” I said to King. “That’s it? She fucking has my dad. She tortured and killed him!” Her actions couldn’t go unpunished!
King said nothing. No emotion on his face.
“You’re an evil bastard,” I said to him and rushed after Serina. “You bitch! Give me back my dad!”
She turned just before reaching the front door and held out her hand. I felt a sharp pain inside my head like she was pushing my brain through my eye sockets.
I groaned in agony.
“If I give him back, what do I get in exchange?” she said.
“I’ll kill you,” I croaked.
“And cross King?” She laughed. “Doubtful. He and I have a deal, and you won’t break it. I heard your thoughts. You’re in love with him.”
I fell to the ground, clawing at my neck, choking. I want my dad back.
“I think I’ll keep him.” She laughed out her words. “Just in case you decide to pull any tricks. Besides, he’s very handy around the yard.”
The room filled with a dark presence, pushing the others—the dead Seers—away. The air got colder, and the lights flickered.
It was here. Death.
The two times before, I hadn’t been able to see what it was, because it had been nighttime. In my memories, it was a shadow and nothing more. But this time was different. The moment it entered the room, I saw it clearly. Every feature—the curve of its lips, the definition of the jaw, the thick black hair.