Page 67 of Cannon (Carolina Reapers 5)
“This is perfect. You’re perfect.” She knew me so fucking well.
Her nose scrunched, and I immediately got worried. “Well, you might think that right now, but let me give you your present first.”
“I don’t need a present. I have everything I’ve ever wanted.” I’d never spoken truer words.
“That’s not exactly true. Now sit right there.” She pointed to my chair.
I sat dutifully as she picked up a picnic basket from the floor and placed it in my lap. “Did you make me more cookies?” I was so down for cookies.
“Nope. Do you remember that night we were curled up reading, and you mentioned that you never stayed in one place long enough for—”
Her story was interrupted as the lid on the basket moved. I flipped it open, and a wet nose emerged, followed by black fur, big brown eyes, and a pair of floppy ears.
“Happy Birthday!” Persephone shouted like her surprise hadn’t been hijacked by the puppy who was now climbing from the basket and clawing its way up my tie.
I caught the wiggling, soft, tiny monstrosity and held it under its armpits at a slight distance so I could get a grip. She—he—stared at me and wagged his tail.
“You bought me a dog?” I whispered.
Persephone nodded. “You said you always wanted one, but couldn’t have one because your dad couldn’t be trusted around small animals, and then you were in so many foster homes, and then the dorms, and now your travel schedule is all over the place.”
I dragged my eyes from the puppy to my wife’s hopeful but apprehensive face. “You bought me a dog?” I repeated.
“Well, I figured I’m home, right? And maybe it means that I can’t make it to every away game, but we can hire a puppy sitter to come stay with him when I do decide to go with you every once in a while.” She watched me for any sign of a reaction.
The puppy’s tongue emerged, and his entire butt wriggled with his tail. “What type of dog is he?”
“He’s a mix. The animal shelter wasn’t clear, but they think he’s Lab, Shepherd, and something else. All his brothers and sisters got adopted, and this little guy was all alone, and I couldn’t leave him there.” She pressed her lips in a thin line. “Cannon, if you don’t like him, we can find someone to adopt him,” she finished quietly.
“What? No. He’s awesome! Aren’t you?” I asked the little man. He tried to lick my face as his answer.
“You like him?” she asked, reaching out to scratch him behind the ear.
I transferred him to my other arm and tucked him in like a football, then pulled Persephone onto my lap. She wound her arms around my neck.
“I love him. I’ve never been given a better present in my life. Ever. He’s perfect. You’re perfect. This is all…” I looked over the dinner she’d set up for us, the secluded setting, and finally, the wriggling little monster under my arm.
“Perfect?” she suggested, her smile widening.
“Yeah. I fucking adore you, Persephone. You’re incredible.” I kissed her soundly as the puppy tried his best to eat my tie. I didn’t care. He could have the fucking tie.
“Happy Birthday,” she said again, kissing my cheek softly. “What are you going to name him?”
Keeping her on my knee, I adjusted my grip on the puppy and brought him eye level. Then I looked from him to my petite, goddess of a wife and back again.
Hades. She’d called me her Hades.
“Cerberus,” I answered. “He doesn’t have three heads, but something tells me he’ll guard our little house just fine.”
Pure feeling shined through her eyes, and her smile was a little watery as she stroked her hand down Cerberus’s back. “Cerberus,” said softly. “Guardian of the underworld.”
We locked eyes, and that glow in my chest threatened to overtake every inch of my body. Fuck, I felt so much for this woman that I wasn’t sure I’d be able to put it to words or contain it. She hadn’t just given me a puppy. She’d given me a home.
“I adore you too, you know,” she said softly.
“Oh yeah?” I leaned forward to kiss her, my lips just reaching hers—
A sound stopped me dead in my tracks, and then wetness seeped into my shirt. Cerberus had peed all over me.
Persephone laughed so hard she nearly fell off my lap.
“You and I are going to have to set some ground rules, little man.”
He had the nerve to wag his tail and lick my face.
Best. Birthday. Ever.
I closed the gate on the puppy crate, Cerberus snoring within seconds of stepping inside. I’d taken him for an extra-long walk this evening, a new and surprisingly fun nightly adventure that was quickly becoming a habit. Reaper Village offered the perfect place to raise a puppy, offering not only the safety and comfort of walking the sidewalk paths at night but also having the delightful chance to run into one of many friends who lived in the neighboring houses. Echo, Harper, and Faith had already fawned over Cerberus several times. Langley’s cats? Not so much.