Page 23 of Twist (Dive Bar 2)
"Do you want me to leave?" he asked.
"No." My fingers immediately tightened around his. Which pissed me off even more. "All of the emotional stuff needs to stop, though."
"It does, huh? So what, you want mindless fucking?"
"Yes, absolutely. And lots of it."
His tongue played behind his cheek while his wonderfully proportioned dick stirred with interest. "O-kay."
"I don't mean to be critical but, last time you did it wrong," I said.
"I did it wrong?" Brows arched high in surprise. "Shit. Here I was worried I'd gotten too rough with you."
"No, no. Hard and fast is great. But what was with all of that eye-gazing stuff?"
Lips drawn wide in disbelief, he tilted his head, staring at me. Again.
"It was totally unnecessary, Joe. How am I supposed to relax when you're doing that?"
The man scratched his head. It killed the remains of his ponytail, making all that blond hair fall around his face, down to his broad shoulders. "So me watching, to make sure I was doing right by you, ruined everything?"
"I made you cry?"
I shrugged. Surely the evidence was clear enough.
"Tell me, Little Miss. Did I also make you come?"
"Yes. You know you did. It was good, great, even. But..."
"But it got too personal." Hands on hips, he stood, unmoving. "Me fucking you and watching you like that."
"I guess so." Though I would have put it in different terms.
"You'd prefer if I fucked you like I hated you, wouldn't you?"
I shrugged. "Well, yeah?"
He said nothing.
"Joe?" Cautiously I stepped toward him, zeroing in on the hard planes of his pecs, the gentler curve of his stomach. Nice to see he wasn't all ripped perfection. The man was intimidating enough.
Lightly, I slid my fingers through his chest hair, resting my cheek over his heart. It beat away beneath me, strong and steady. His rib cage gently rose and fell on each breath. Bit by bit, my breathing slowed, calmed. His body was warm, even welcoming after a minute or two. Hands smoothed over my back, pulling gently at the fluffy robe until it started slipping off my shoulders.
"Okay," he said, baring me to the waist. Big hands covered my breasts, thumbs stroking my nipples. His eyes were calm, serene, even. "Since I clearly don't know what I'm doing in the sack with you, I guess you better show me. For friendship's sake."
"Sure. I could do that."
Calloused fingers slid down to my waist, pushing the robe off me completely. Next to him, the cool air-conditioning didn't seem so bad. He kept me warm.
"I, um, I prefer to be on top," I said.
He gave me a quick smile. A flash of sharp teeth. "Of course you do."
And without another word, he picked me up and carried me back to the bed.
Message sent three weeks ago:
Help! Have you ever owned a cat? My neighbors asked me to watch their cat for the weekend while they went away. His name is Misty. Why you'd name a boy cat Misty I have no idea, but whatever. All the poor animal has done since arriving is hide under my bed and yowl. I've tried everything I can think of to lure him out. Biscuits, canned salmon, and calmly explaining that Greta (my neighbor) will be back for him Sunday night. I even tried tough love, telling him firmly that he was being a bad baby and demanding he come out. The little jerk scratched my hand when I reached for him, then went back to ignoring me. I don't know what to do and Google is being no help at all. What if he chokes on a dust bunny and dies under there?? Greta will never forgive me. You know, a plant I could have probably managed, but leaving me in charge of a sentient life force isn't a good idea. I don't think I'm ever going to be ready for motherhood.
Message received:
Alex, calm down. The cat is not going to die. Leave him alone and he'll come out when he's ready. I promise.
Message sent:
I left him alone and he came out. He's now on the couch watching an Animal Planet special on humpback whales. Apologies for freaking out slightly and thanks for the advice.
Message received:
Anytime. I'm sure one day, when you're ready, you'll make a great mother.
"Can I get you a cushion?"
"No, thank you." I gave Joe a nice calm, bland smile and turned back to his mother. "This meatloaf is wonderful, Audrey. Best I've ever tasted."
"You know, you strike me as the kind of girl who'd really be into meatloaf," said Joe. "I don't know why, you just do."
I ignored him.
"It's Eric's favorite," Audrey told me.
"I can see why."
The birthday boy put down his fork and lifted his bottle of beer in a toast to his mother. Happily, he said nothing. With a mouth full of food, saying nothing was always best. Eric looked part squirrel with his cheeks so full of birthday lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Collins lived in a nice bungalow a few blocks back from Sanders Beach. A nice part of town. Joe told me how it'd become popular with the moneyed up in the last ten or so years. Some of the houses on the lakefront were amazing. Outside, massive old pine trees kept the house in almost perpetual shade. Inside the Collins abode were comfy couches and pastel walls covered in pictures of the boys. It was nice, homey and relaxed.
Unlike me at that particular point in time.
Unfortunately, Joe wasn't finished with his teasing yet. Sliding his arm over my stiff shoulders, he leaned in and not quite whispered, "Are you sure? The chairs are bare wood. I really don't mind fetching you a cushion to sit on."
"I'm sure."
"I'm fine. Thank you."
Concern filled his mother's hazel eyes. "Is something wrong, Alex?"
Brows pinched, she turned to her eldest son.
"It's fine, Mom," said Joe. "Alex is just a little sore from--"
"Building," I hastily interjected. "Yeah. I'm not used to all that sanding and stuff. My muscles are just a little ... sore."
"Right. Building." The asshole who would most likely never live to see my pussy ever again grinned. "That's what I was going to say."
Unbelievable. It's like he actually wanted to be attacked with utensils. If he kept this shit up, I'd do a Betty Blue and fork him good, right in the back of the hand. Give him some scars to remember me by.
"Oh," said Audrey. "Would you like some aspirin?"
I shook my head. "I'm fine, really. But thank you."
At one end of the table, Joe's dad, Stan, said nothing, determinedly working away at his plate of food. His father's dark hair was threaded with gray and his face was weathered. Smile lines were definitely lacking. Once upon a time, he would have been a handsome man. His body still looked big, strong, though he moved slowly.
Stan grunted at me when we'd been introduced. Joe frowned and drew me into the kitchen to meet his about a billion times nicer mother. You could see where Joe got his golden hair, despite his mom's being a little faded.
At the other end of the table, Eric's mouth hung open. Empty now, thank God. The mildly horrified look in his eyes, however, was something special. Like it'd never occurred to him that his brother and I might wind up playing naked together.
Not that we'd played, exactly.
As I preferred, I'd been next on top. Reverse cowgirl, yee haa! No way he could ruin things with unnecessary eye gazing in that position. Then he'd turned me around and pounded into me doggy-style. The man made me see stars, I'd come so hard. Three times in one night was a lot. Especially after months of nothing. Once my guard was down, due to complete and utter exhaustion, Joe had cuddled me. It was terrible, disgusting. Fingers caressing me, lips pressing soft kisses to my shoulder and the back of my neck. Normally I'd never allow it, but it felt so good. Plus, I was almost comatose. His surprise attack of intimacy slipped straight though my usual defenses. The way he tempted me, getting me all hot and bothered and twisted up inside in the best way possible. And then, when I didn't think I could take anymore, he calmed everything down and made me feel safe. I wasn't used to being wanted in such different ways. Like I was more than my mouth, tits, and vagina. More than even our friendship.