Page 30 of Chaser (Dive Bar 3)
"Because we probably need rules and stuff, right?" I asked. My hand was still hooked into hers, making it hard to concentrate.
"Like are we having sex with other people or being exclusive or what?"
"Well, it will be monogamous at my end," she said, shrugging. "Just because no one else is ringing my bells right now."
"Ditto for me," I said. The idea that I alone was ringing her bells got my heart pounding double-time. "How about how we act around other people? We keeping this on the down low? Because otherwise I need to prepare for Nell to try and kill me while making it look like an accident. I'm thinking there'll be an incident with hot oil in the kitchen."
Jean snorted, but she did not try to deny it. "Let's keep it just between you and me."
"Sounds good," I said, trying not to let my relief show through too much. "Though I may have already kind of talked about it to Joe and my mom and Joe will definitely talk to Alex about it if he hasn't already. He's pretty much pussy-whipped when it comes to stuff like that. Sorry."
"So basically word is going to get around?"
Her lips wrinkled, then she shrugged. "Whatever."
"Yeah." Out of nowhere, her hands were on me, pushing me up against the wall, and leaning in until her T-shirt-covered breasts were brushing against me. Made it damn hard to think. Christ, the absolute focus in her eyes. "I don't mind if you don't."
I cleared my throat. "I, um, I vote we just tell them all to mind their own business."
"Will they?"
"Probably not."
"Duly noted."
Then her hands grabbed hold of my shoulders and she lifted up, pressing her lips to mine. Her breath mingling with mine, her face so close. Fucking hell, it was perfect and the woman did not mess around. Sweet turned to sin in no time. Mouths open and tongues playing. Our teeth clashed and my palms smoothed down her back, holding her tight. From our knees upward, we were pressed together and I could happily have died.
"You don't mind if we practice a bit before the big event?" she asked, breathing heavily. "It's kind of been a while."
"Whatever you want. Practice makes perfect."
And then she kissed me again, hard and hungry. Her fingers dug into my hair, the kiss deepening. Ever so slightly out of control, I grabbed at her gorgeous round ass. Something I'd always wanted to do. A tiny voice in the back of my head wondered if ass-grabbing counted for Jean as "practice," and whether I was moving things along a bit too fast. But at my touch she pushed her hips hard forward into me, and my doubts disintegrated. She was as into this as I was. Maybe more, if that was even possible.
Our mouths fused together once more, my hands happily full of Jean's delectable soft rear. Our pelvises were grinding together, the front of my jeans getting damn tight. The woman did things to me. Things beyond my control. Not that I wanted either of us in control right then. No, what I really wanted was to reverse our positions, have her legs wrapped around my hips, and then take the whole grinding thing to the next level. Though even just kissing Jean was a treat. The kind of experience where nothing else existed.
We were halfway through the maneuver, Jean's legs just beginning to lift and spread around my waist, when Ada made some weird outraged yodel kind of yell in the next room.
"Shit," whispered Jean.
"We got a little carried away."
"Just a bit." Then, sadly, she stepped back, straightening her top. The sight of her hard nipples undid me just a bit more. Her breasts would be as nice a handful as her ass. "You okay?"
"Yes. Thank you."
"If you want, I'll show them to you later."
"Sorry, what?" My gaze returned to her face.
Only to have her point to her breasts. "I said, I can show them to you sometime if you want."
"I would like that very much."
"Okay then." She grinned. "Next make-out session, no shirts. Agreed?"
I was a total winner at life. Forget how much money currently sat in my bank account. Ignore my maturity levels and emotional stability or lack thereof. Jean had offered to show me her tits. The year had only just started and mine was already made.
I grinned back at her. "Second base it is."
Ada yelled again and Jean headed her way. Though the sound from the baby seemed more bored than upset or anything. She'd had both of our attention for a minute there, and then me and her mom had disappeared. Clearly not okay.
"Hey, baby." Jean swung her up into her arms. "What's going on?"
Ada gurgled happily once more.
"Oh my god," cooed Jean. "Were you not the center of attention for a minute? That's outrageous. Worst mother of the year. Again. And you're not even a year old yet."
"Hello." I gave the baby my finger to hold onto. Of course, she immediately tried to stick it in her mouth. "Cool zebra-print onesie, baby girl."
"So glad it meets with your approval," said her mother.
"You want me to hang with her while you get some stuff done or anything?"
"Actually, I'd love to go downstairs for a coffee and get out of here for a bit," she said. "We could all go?"
"Sounds good."
"All right, let me just brush my hair." Jean passed me the baby, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek as she did so. "Won't be long."
"Take your time." I settled onto the couch with Ada nestled into my shoulder. "I am completely happy right here."
The next day at work I had a lot to think about.
As I walked around opening the place up, the fingers on my left hand still tingled with the memory of holding Jean's ass. But by 10 a.m. I'd moved on to more pressing matters, daydreaming about how Jean's tits would look, adorned with nothing more than a skimpy bra. The next tasks were to tally the books and restock the bar, which was an opportune time to speculate on what a sight they would be sans bra. Awesome, was my educated guess. Memo to self: don't dim the lights so far tonight that you can't get a good view.
By the time I'd finished with that business, it was late morning. A few young tourists had moseyed in for brunch, and it was game on. I fixed their Bloody Marys wondering how those two magnificent creatures would feel when I finally had them in my hands. Firm and strong, if the memory of them pressing into my chest last night was anything to go by. Not to mention how they looked when she had tried to straighten her top, and those hard nipples pressed out against the fabric. But then, tits were strange and magical things, and sometimes they'd be surprisingly soft and succulent. A box of chocolates and all that. So it was hard to know. And then there was the whole question of skin texture and nipples to be considered. Like I said, a lot to think about.
Oddly, it was turning out that messing around with Jean was twice as much fun as actually having sex with anyone else. After work the next day, I stopped by her apartment. She'd invited me over via text message. Ada was fast asleep and the lights were set to low.
"I was trying for some atmosphere, but it turns out I only own one." Jean pointed to the thick white candle flickering on the coffee table. "Vaguely romantic second base?"
"Works for me."
"Oh, not that I'm trying for romance here," she quickly amended. "That's not ... damn. I didn't think."
"Jean, relax," I said, joining her on the couch. "Pretty sure that having a candle on the coffee table doesn't equal a long-term commitment or anything." Actually, my entire life history demonstrated as much, but I didn't think that was the best thing to mention right now.
"Though you should keep more candles around in case of an electricity outage or something."
"Yes, I've put them on the next shopping list."
"Or in case of future emergency bases. I don't know if I'd be comfortable moving to fourth base without at least three candles. It just wouldn't seem right."
"Right." She smiled and I just had to kiss her. It'd been far too long since our lips had la
st met. Like a day and a half or something outrageous.
This part came easily, slipping my tongue into her mouth to caress hers. Then putting an arm around her shoulder and drawing her in close. And in return, she sank her fingers into my hair, holding on tight. Something she seemed to like doing and I certainly had no complaints about. I traced the length of her arm, curved my hand around her shoulder. Our kisses grew hotter, more feverish. But for some godawful reason, I couldn't concentrate on what we were doing. My brain would not shut up. Last time, she'd been so wonderfully greedy. Was I going too slowly for her now? I just wasn't sure at what stage she'd be expecting me to get the whole naked-from-the-waist-up thing going on. What if I moved too soon and messed it up and totally let her down?
Shit, this was confusing.
Also, it hadn't even occurred to me to ask her about her day. I'd barely been able to string a goddamn sentence together since I stepped foot through her door. The woman probably thought I was a useless jerk. Jesus.
"What's wrong?" she asked, moving her lips to my cheek.
"You seem distracted."
I sat back with a sigh. "Yeah."
"I'm fucking it up."
She frowned. "No, you're not. Tell me what you're thinking."
I pushed my hand back through my hair with a groan. "Damn, you know, I think I'm actually nervous."
Her gaze widened.
"I'm never nervous. This is crazy." I got to my feet, pacing back and forth, avoiding Ada's jungle gym and the oversized teddy in the corner. "Joe and I have been working out at the gym regularly, I'm in my goddamn prime right now. I dress nice, I have a good job. No mistake, I'm catch."
Jean continued with the saying nothing.
"And I always know exactly what I'm doing with a woman when it comes sex," I said. "I don't think it'll come as any surprise to you that fucking is my specialty. Right up there with mixing drinks. But talking, telling chicks--sorry, women--what's in my head, communicating my feelings, shit like that--I can't do that. It's just not okay. A bit of foreplay, though? Hell, I'm all over that."
Jean still said nothing.
"This makes no sense," I berated myself and continued my pacing. But maybe on some level, it did make sense. It was different this time. Maybe because it had been so long for me, after taking all those months out of the game. Maybe because the friends-with-benefits thing was uncharted territory. Or maybe because it was her.