Page 9 of Rival (Fall Away #2)
I stood up, too. “He sounds like a hell-raiser.”
“He tries.” She shrugged, but I could see the proud little smile underneath the gesture. She grabbed my phone out of my hand and punched in some numbers. “Okay, I just called myself. Now you have my number, so text if you’re interested. I’ll shoot you the address and time.”
“Whose party is it?” I asked, taking my phone back.
“It’s at Madoc Caruthers’s house.”
I closed my mouth and swallowed at the mention of his name.
She continued. “He requires that you wear a bikini, but if you kick him in the balls, he’ll shut up.” She hooded her eyes in an apology. “He’s one of my best friends. It just takes some time getting used to him,” she explained.
Best friends? Huh?
My breathing turned shallow. Madoc was supposed to be having a party tomorrow night?
She backed away, getting ready to leave. “See you tomorrow, I hope!”
And then she was gone, while I stood there, shifting my gaze left to right, searching for I-don’t-know-what. Madoc was friends with Tatum Brandt?
How the hell did that happen?
• • •
“I like that metal in your mouth. I heard a tongue piercing can be all kinds of fun for things other than kissing.” He grips my hair, breathing into my mouth. “So are you really a bad girl or just playing at one? Show me.”
I’m not sure what woke me up first. The nausea rolling like thunder through my stomach or the high that was flooding my nerves with excitement.
Nausea and excitement. Sickness and thrill. Why did I feel both at the same time?
I knew the queasiness was from the dream.
But the excitement? The thrill?
And that’s when I noticed what had woken me up. The flow of air in the room had changed. It was now filtering out into the hall. My heart beat faster, and my belly tingled with butterflies. I tensed my muscles in response, because the elation flowing through them was too much.
My bedroom door was open!
I snapped my eyes open and bolted upright in bed, my heart lodging in my throat as I tried to take a breath.
A dark figure, much bigger than I remembered, stood in the doorway. I almost screamed, but I clamped my mouth shut and swallowed.
I knew who it was, and I definitely wasn’t scared of him.
“Madoc,” I fumed. “Get out.”
I leaned against the door frame, bringing the bottle of beer to my lips.
She was right. I should get out. Bad f**king idea to stay, dude.
But for some reason, I just had to see for myself.
I don’t why I didn’t believe it. My dad had told me, and Addie confirmed it, but I just couldn’t swallow the fact that Fallon Pierce was back in town after so long.
I’d nursed a nasty hangover this morning, thanks to her, and then driven home after I knew everyone would be in bed. There had been no plan to come to her room, and I had no plan to enter, but I was too damn curious. What was she like now? How had she changed? And there were some answers I needed, whether I liked it or not.
She reached over and grabbed her black-rimmed glasses off the nightstand. The moon was under cover tonight, so I couldn’t see shit. Only her form.
“So you’re really back.” I pushed off the door frame and sauntered toward the end of the bed.
“You’re not supposed to be here. Addie said you were staying with friends.”
What the f**k?
They were right. She was afraid of me. But why? What the hell had I ever done to her?
I squeezed the green bottle in my hand and tried to make her out in the darkness. She wore a dark blue T-shirt with some white swirly writing I couldn’t read, and her hair was all over the place. She used to have piercings, but I couldn’t see anything right now.
“This is my father’s house.” I spoke low and straightened my back. “And someday all this shit will be mine, Fallon. That bed you sleep in, along with everything else under this roof.”
“Not me, Madoc. You don’t own me.”
“Yeah.” I brushed her off. “Been there. Done that. Got the T-shirt. Thanks.”
“Get out,” she ordered, her tone hard.
I took another sip of my beer. “The thing is, Fallon . . . I told you before to lock the door if you wanted me to stay out. Funny thing is . . .” I leaned in. “You. Never. Did.”
In one swift movement she whipped off her covers and stood up on the bed. Charging to the end, she slapped me across the face before I even knew what was happening.
I almost laughed. Hell, yeah.
My body stayed in place, but my head had twisted to the side with the blow, and I closed my eyes out of reflex. The sting started as a few little needles under the surface but exploded and spread like electricity. I kept my eyes shut for a few seconds longer than necessary, savoring the rush.
With the bed elevating her, she stood about six inches higher than me, and I turned my head back to her slowly, welcoming whatever she had.
She scowled down at me. “I was sixteen years old and too stupid to keep you off me,” she spat. “Little did I know that they have toothbrushes bigger than you. And I’ve definitely had better than you in the past two years, so count on the door being locked from now on.”
Sometimes I wore smiles but didn’t feel them. Sometimes I felt them and didn’t wear them. I didn’t want her to know how much I craved this. I bit my bottom lip.
She spun around, heading back up the bed, and I reached out and pulled her ankle out from underneath her. She crashed down onto the mattress, landing on her belly, and I quickly came down onto her back, whispering in her ear.