Page 40 of An A to Z of Love
His other hand came to rest on her waist and a warmth that had nothing to do with the sun beaming down on them flooded through her.
“I think…” she said, and dropped her gaze to the sand at her feet. “I think I know what I want now.”
“A cottage on a cliff? A chip shop somewhere? A castle? A unicorn?” Tony’s voice was teasing as he pulled her in closer against his chest. “Tell me, and I’ll see what I can do.”
“Just you,” she whispered against his shirt, and felt her whole body relax with the words. “Just us.”
They stood in silence for a moment, arms looped around each other, and Becky was just starting to believe that maybe this wasn’t such a bad day after all when Tony’s muscles tensed under her hands. Twisting in his arms, she looked over to see Mayor Fielding and Walt Hamilton heading across the sand toward them, Mia between them. Behind them, Magda, Joe, Charlie and Ditsy were all following.
“One more thing before we get out of here, sweetheart.” Tony let her go, and Becky frowned as she smoothed down her skirt and waited for the showdown.
Just one last miserable Aberarian moment before she could start her new life. Her happily ever after.
She could do that.
* * * *
Becky was scowling at them as they approached. Mia supposed she didn’t really blame her. She’d thought last night she’d have to leave Aberarian. She could sympathize.
But then Becky looked up and smiled and, for the first time since they were kids, Mia thought that maybe it was genuine.
“Becky, Tony,” Jayne Fielding said in a much friendlier tone than Mia could have managed. “How are you enjoying the festival?”
“It’s just magical,” Becky said, her smile quirking up at one side. But there was no rancor, no bitterness in her voice. What the hell had changed? Then Tony put an arm around her shoulders, and Mia thought that maybe she knew after all. She’d have sworn Becky was still in love with Charlie. But...things changed, it seemed.
“I’ve just had the latest count in from the entrance, and Walt’s just updated me on the Coliseum takings so far,” Jayne went on, her voice mild. “It looks like we’re well on course to be able to buy the cinema for the town.”
“Not that it really matters,” Mia put in, trying not to smile too much. It never did to gloat, Ditsy always said. “I’ve been speaking to the council this morning. They’ve decided they’d rather put money and effort into preserving Aberarian as a historical town, instead of approving casinos and the like. Apparently, a lot of people are very excited about properly excavating A to Z Jones’s tunnels. Could turn out to be quite the tourist attraction.”
“Besides which,” Walt said, smiling more than Mia thought she’d ever seen. “I don’t want to sell to you. Never did.”
Mia tucked her arm into Walt’s. “The Coliseum seems to be having a bit of a renaissance.”
“The whole town does.” Jayne Fielding was positively grinning. Mia wondered if she’d rethink her decision to stand down in the autumn, now the town actually had prospects again.
“But the best bit,” Walt said, “is I don’t even need the town to buy the Coliseum.”
Mia looked over at him, confused. “You don’t?”
Walt shook his head. “I’ve got a new investor. Wants to help me really make something of the old place.”
Tony groaned and shook his head, but his eyes were amused.
“Harry Golding,” Becky said, sounding astonished.
“That’s right,” Walt said happily. “So you can just put all this money you raised into opening the tunnels properly.”
“And I hear we already have our first tour guide,” Ditsy said, looking over to where George was entertaining the kids, his A to Z Jones hat firmly on his head again.
“Once he’s finished helping me with the exhibition at the Coliseum,” Walt added.
“So you see,” Mia said, a bubble of happiness working its way up her throat. “We don’t need your casino or your money or your plans to save our town. We’re doing just fine on our own, thanks.”
Becky wrapped an arm around Tony’s waist and looked up at them defiantly. “Well, then we wish you luck. We’ve got much bigger and better projects to be working on, anyway.”
“Yes,” Tony said, smiling down at her. “Becky’s got to arrange our wedding, for a start.”
Becky, Mia noticed, glowed just a little bit at his words. Amazing.
“You’re getting married?” She glanced over at Charlie, but he didn’t look particularly upset. Or even surprised.
“Eventually,” Becky said at the same time as Tony answered, “As soon as possible.”
Looking up at her fiance, Becky said, “We’re still working out the details.”
Mia turned to Tony. “Well, then. I wish you lots of luck.” She didn’t add how much she thought he was going to need it. “And, actually...” She dug into her shoulder bag and looked to Ditsy for approval. When Ditsy nodded, she said, “An engagement present. From Aberarian.” Mia handed over the A to Z of Love, and wondered what Becky would make of it, if she ever bothered to read it.
“It’s full of very practical advice,” Magda added, leaning up to kiss Joe on the cheek.
“Your Uncle Henry and I found it invaluable,” Ditsy said, smiling wistfully.
“Thank you very much,” Tony said. Becky just looked confused. “We’ll treasure it.”
Mia had the feeling Becky wasn’t going to treasure anything that came from Aberarian for a while. But since that meant she wouldn’t be coming back, that was fine by Mia.
“Good riddance,” Magda muttered as Becky and Tony turned to walk away up the beach. Tony had the book tucked under one arm, the other slung around Becky’s shoulders.
“Well that one’s a surprise,” Ditsy said, but Charlie shook his head.
“Not entirely,” he said, but didn’t explain.
“I wonder if she’ll ask us to the wedding,” Ditsy mused.
“God, I hope not,” Charlie said, and Mia smiled. It was over, at last. All of it. And maybe now they could have the conversation she’d been waiting all day for.
But then her father called out from behind them, “Next tour starting now, everybody! Tour guides to their posts!” And Mia figured it would have to keep a little longer.
* * * *
The rest of the day rushed by in a haze of coconut shies and sunshine, the weather apparently wanting to make up for its dreadful behavior the night before. Mia led another five tours before retiring to help Ditsy on the A to Z stall. And so it was early evening before she finally got her chance to talk to Charlie.
As the band started the closing concert on the makeshift stage, she leaned against the edge of the stall and watched, smiling when she felt Charlie come up beside her.
“Kevin had already served up the rest of the vodka herrings,” he said. “But I thought, if you wanted, we could go and get some popcorn.”
Mia checked her watch. “Next showing of Smuggler’s Rest is in half an hour. We’ve got a bit of time.”
“Okay.” Charlie leaned against the stall beside her, and she could feel the warmth of his arm beside her, solid and comforting. “They’re good, aren’t they?” he said, when the band launched into their second song.
“You’re the one who said to hire them,” Mia pointed out. They stood in silence, just listening, for a long moment. Then Mia said, “You know, Dad was asking earlier about your flat. Whether you might rent it to him if you move to the cottage.” Mia kept her eyes on the stage, not wanting him to see how much she cared about the answer.
“Sure,” Charlie said with a shrug. “Unless Magda wants it.”
“I think she’ll be moving in with Joe,” Mia said.
“True. Besides, you could always get Ditsy to rent him your flat.”
“Where am I supposed to live?” Mia asked, faking indignance.
Charlie took her hand and led her away from the stall, toward the Esplanade
. “With me.”
Mia considered. “You know I said I came by the restaurant last night?”
Charlie looked up in surprise. “I told you I didn’t take the offer,” he said, suddenly and loudly. “I’m not going anywhere. Mia, you have to know...”
“I love you,” Mia blurted out. “That’s why I came to the restaurant. To tell you.”
Charlie blew out a long breath. “Well, that’s what I was going to say.”
Mia laughed, her body and mind lightening with every second she spent with Charlie. “So that’s all right then.”
“Better than all right,” Charlie said, leaning in for a kiss. “It’s bloody marvelous. Especially if you move into the cottage with me.”
Above them on the cliff, the cottage sat next to the shining white lighthouse, and just looking at it made Mia smile. Her home, at last, if she wanted it.
She looked at Charlie, warm and worn in his old jeans and t-shirt, his smile comforting and sexy at the same time, and thought about A to Z Jones and his legacy. The man who could find you anything you wanted, from A to Z.