Page 48 of Room for Love
Nate stared at Patrick, swaying even though they were both holding him up. His room was only halfway down the landing, but he was very drunk and mostly asleep. “I’ll help you deliver him to his wife,” he said, hoisting one arm around the other man’s waist again. “Besides, don’t we still have a conversation to have?”
Carrie gave him a quiet, unreadable look, and nodded. “Okay, then.”
Selena didn’t even wake when they tipped Patrick into bed beside her, much to Nate’s relief. He hadn’t been enthusiastic about the idea of explaining her husband’s state to her. As it was, Selena had her eye mask on and was snoring away like a drunk sailor.
They were both sure to be great fun in the morning.
Nate and Carrie tiptoed away from the Blue Room, and Nate paused when they reached the smaller set of stairs leading to the attic. Carrie rolled her eyes and grabbed his arm. “Come on,” she said. “It’s too late to mess around with coyness.”
Nate smiled and followed her up.
Carrie didn’t bother putting the main light on in her bedroom, so Nate waited by the door until she’d weaved her way through all of Nancy’s knickknacks to switch on the bedside lamp. Guided by the pale yellow glow, he made his way to the bed, where Carrie stripped off her silky purple dress before slipping under the covers in her underwear.
“What happened to the Wedding Planner pajamas?” Nate stripped off his own jacket, and shirt, leaving his t-shirt on for the time being.
“A one-night-only occurrence,” Carrie said, yawning. She yawned. “Sorry you missed it.”
“I liked the hat best anyway.” Unfastening the top couple of buttons, Nate let his jeans fall to the floor and tugged off his socks. He was actually quite glad she hadn’t got changed. Her lingerie was a creamy lace, which matched her skin beautifully, and he had plans for it.
Carrie yawned again. Maybe in the morning.
“Could have been worse,” she told him. “Ruth’s pajamas had diamante stick-on gems spelling out Future Mrs. Frobisher.”
Nate slipped under the covers beside her. “Very disturbing.”
Reaching out a slim, pale arm, Carrie flicked the light switch again, and the room plunged into darkness. Nate snaked an arm out under her shoulders and tugged her closer to him, closing his eyes as her warm skin met his.
They lay in silence for a long moment, and if it hadn’t been for her uneven breathing Nate would have thought Carrie had fallen asleep. Then she said, “Have you thought of your answer yet?”
“Several,” Nate answered honestly. “I’m just not sure which one you want to hear.”
“Whichever one’s the truth.”
Nate sighed. “They’re all the truth.” There was silence again. Nate glanced at the illuminated face of Carrie’s alarm clock. It had gone past late and was now firmly in the very early morning. They really should get some sleep.
“I’m not the same person I was that summer,” he said finally. “I guess the real reason I didn’t tell you was because I wanted you to get to know me as I am now.”
“I barely knew you that summer,” Carrie pointed out. “Apart from that one night on the terrace. Pretty much all I knew was that you could dance and sing, and really kiss.”
Nate chuckled, and Carrie twisted ’round in his arms, rubbing all that cream lace against his skin. “What did you think I knew?” she asked.
“What everybody knew, that summer.” Nate sighed, wishing he couldn’t remember it quite so clearly. “That I was a problem child, sent to stay with relatives in the country for the summer to straighten me out. That Nancy had probably saved my life.”
Carrie’s pale hand snuck under the edge of his t-shirt, resting against his chest, radiating warmth. “I thought you’d just assume you knew me from the TV show,” he said.
“And I didn’t even manage that.” Carrie tucked her head under his chin, and Nate wrapped his arms ’round her back, wanting to keep her as close as he could for as long as possible.
“You clearly spent too much time working over the last six years, and not enough watching television.”
“You’re not the first person to tell me that,” Carrie admitted.
She was so close and warm, that Nate almost didn’t want to ask his next question. Didn’t want to ruin it. But he still needed to know. “What are we doing here, Carrie?”
She froze in his arms, and Nate cursed himself, silently. “I’m sorry,” he said. “It doesn’t matter. We don’t have to...”
“I don’t know what I’m doing.” Carrie’s voice was small, and Nate made himself utterly still and quiet to hear her better. “I came here wanting to finally do something by myself, to prove myself. But you...” She shook her head, and her hair tickled his neck.
“I messed it all up for you.”
“You showed me that needing help didn’t mean what I was doing wasn’t worthwhile.” Carrie placed a soft kiss at the junction of his neck and shoulder, and Nate shivered. “So, thank you for that.”
“Even though I’m just an employee?” Nate asked, knowing he was pushing it, but unable to stop himself.
“You were never just an employee,” Carrie said, and shifted again so her leg was hooked over his hip. Nate’s whole body vibrated with the effort of staying still. Then Carrie kissed a trail up his neck to his ear, each kiss soft and tender and completely arousing.
Nate gave up any pretense of not moving.
* * * *
Carrie grinned as she felt the bed shift beneath her and Nate’s strong arms tuck her under him on the mattress. He’d held out longer than she’d expected, to be honest.
“You know,” she said, shivering at the sensation of Nate’s hands running up her sides, tracing the lines of her best lace bra. “That kiss had a very detrimental effect on my love life.”
“Really?” Nate murmured, his lips trailing after his fingers. Carrie’s hips twitched under him, and she could feel the muscles of his stomach against her thighs. “How so?”
Carrie gasped as his mouth reached the underside of her left breast, even as his hand brushed against the skin of the right. “Let’s just say,” she managed finally, “it was a hard act to follow.”
She could feel him smile against her skin at that. “And I was worried you wouldn’t remember.” Carrie tried to answer, but at that point Nate’s lips closed over the lace covering her nipple, and she forgot what she had intended to say.
Instead, she reached down and ran her hands up his back, grabbed his t-shirt and pulled it up over his chest. He gave a very endearing squeak of disappointment when she reached his neck, but obligingly released her to let her pull the fabric over his head and toss it out of the way.
“Fair’s fair,” he muttered, repeating the maneuver on her bra.
Absolutely fair, Carrie agreed silently, as his mouth went to work on her other nipple as soon as the material was out of the way.
She was starting to worry that kisses wouldn’t be the only things ruined for her, after tonight.
Time to get back some control of the situation. “So, is this one of your conditions?”
Nate released her breast and looked up at her, chin resting on her ribcage. “What?”
“Your conditions. For the TV show.”
With a long blink, Nate curled his fingers around her waist and pushed himself up. “You really want to talk about this now?”
“Only if you can multitask,” she said, pressing him down. He obediently followed her instruction, running kisses down her stomach. “I was just wondering. Last time we did this, you wanted a greenhouse and a kiss.”
“I wanted you,” Nate murmured against her skin. “I always want you.”
The rush of heat that ran across her skin could have been from his words or his touch, and Carrie didn’t much care which. “So, not a condition, then.” She cursed herself silently, even as she spoke, because Nate sighed into her stomach, then shifted back up the bed to lie on his side next to her, tugging at her waist until they were nose to no
se. “I didn’t say stop.”
“My conditions,” he said, his fingers still trailing up and down her side. “Were more like this.”
“This?” Carrie asked, her breath coming short as his fingers trailed lower.
“Mm hmm.” Nate leaned in and kissed her again, his lips soft and tender against hers. Reaching back, he pulled the hand she had resting on his hip down between them, and even as she moved to hold him, heavy and hard in her hand, his fingers were returning to between her thighs. “Equals,” he breathed against her lips, and Carrie swallowed hard.
“Let’s talk about it in the morning,” she said, moaning when his fingers swirled around. “I’ve got another job for you right now.”
Nate gave a lazy smile. “And what’s that?”