Page 36 of Crazy B!tch (Biker Bitches 5)
He used his hands to smooth over her skin, exploring the cleft between her breasts, then cupping the other one, caressing it as if it was a fragile flower and it would be crushed if it was handled too roughly.
He wanted more than one night with her, and if he wasn’t careful, tonight would be the last. He wanted her to crave him like a drug, so when they were apart, all she could think about was having him back beside her. He wanted her to fill the same void that was slowly tearing him apart, as if she was sitting on a mountaintop and the more he tried to climb to reach her, the farther away she seemed.
With one of her hands, she cupped his balls as she pushed his shorts down with the other until he was able to use the friction of his thighs to take them off.
Tilting his hips to the side, he used the momentum to slide down her body, sliding her silken shorts down.
“Damn, woman, your tits are heaven, but your pussy is fire.”
He poised his mouth over her waxed pussy before delving between the sweet flesh where he found the honey he had been searching for. He laved her until a moan escaped her. Then she rose up on her elbows to watch him.
He had been with more women than he could count. He had some more innocent than others. Then there were those who were more experienced than he was and had taught him a thing or two. He had to admit that, beyond giving the women cursory looks, he was more into getting laid than just getting enjoyment with how large a woman’s breasts were, or how delicately formed her pussy was.
If he had to describe his perfect woman, Crazy Bitch would be her. There wasn’t anything about her that didn’t turn him on. She wasn’t a stick figure that, when he fucked her, their hip bones would bump together. She was softly curved in all the right places. Her belly wasn’t flat, and her curvy hips gave him a place to hold as she thrust up against his ravaging mouth.
When he plunged his tongue inside her, Crazy Bitch’s elbows gave out and she fell back to the mattress.
He felt her muscles contract. Satisfied that she was on the brink of an orgasm, he drew it out for a few seconds before lifting off her, preparing to sink his hard dick into her waiting cunt.
Her hands went to his shoulders, stopping him. “Slow your big soldier down. You need to bag him.”
“My wallet is in the other room.”
“I have some in my nightstand.”
“Aren’t you on the pill?”
“Uh… yeah, but I know where that dick of yours has been. Until I know that boner is clean, the only action you’re getting is a hand job.”
He always used protection. The only time he hadn’t was when he had been wasted with Candi and had believed her lies when she had told him she was on the pill. He knew Crazy Bitch was a straight shooter. If she said she was on the pill, she was.
Finding a condom, he rolled it on then moved back to cover her body with his. He wanted to be able to look down into her eyes and see her first climax with him, knowing he had given her the pleasure he was determined she would find in his arms.
Giving a forceful push, he buried himself in her wet pussy, grinding himself into her until he ended and she began.
It felt so good he had to pull back and thrust forward again, this time going so high she arched her back as her thighs wrapped around him, thrusting back.
She was all bitch, demanding. He gave her more until their bodies were moving in a furious pace.
His cock tightened, a warning he was about to come. Thankfully, he felt the answering spasm of her pussy gripping his cock harder.
His climax played out in a series of explosions that had his mind going blank. When it was over, he could only stare at her stupidly as she shoved him off her.
“Damn, now I have to go shower again.”
Calder watched as she jumped off the bed crossly, her bare ass bouncing across the room and leaving him alone in her bedroom.
Removing the condom, he found a small trash can beside her bed before making himself more comfortable. If she thought he would go back to the spare bedroom, the bitch was going to be disappointed.
When she came back in ten minutes later, she glanced at him before she came to the side of the bed he was lying on.
“Move over. I always sleep on this side,” she brusquely ordered.
Not wanting to push his luck, he scooted over, making room for her.
Crazy Bitch turned the bedside light off before lying down next to him.