Page 16 of Ho Ho Hennessy
“Who do you think had to buy the books? She found twenty pallets of books for sale at Buy Books For Suckers for three thousand dollars.”
“That was some expensive popcorn.”
“Yes, it was.” Sasha gave her a wondering look. “What was the bet between Winter and Hennessy?”
“Winter bet him that he wouldn’t get another chance at a home run. She’s going to win.”
Sasha laid a hand down on her leg. “Not so fast. Let’s think about this for a second.” With a calculating gaze, she swept around the room before coming back to her. “This could be a sweet deal for us if you’re willing to help us out?”
Suspicious, Arin thought Winter wasn’t the only one who liked to make bets. “How?”
“We typically make side bets when Winter suckers one of us in. If you’re really sure you won’t be taking up where he left off last night, we could ask some of the men if they want to bet that Hennessy wins, while we all wager that you do.”
Jewell leaned back on her elbows. “There’s only one flaw with that plan. Winter’s winning depends on Arin. I know my friend. She’ll cave.”
Her jaw dropped open at Jewell’s betrayal.
Picking up the plastic bag that Jewell had shoved the thongs inside of, she hit her with it. “I will not.”
“You will, like a candle being lit by a blowtorch. You’ll melt just as fast as Sasha did when that fucking popcorn bag was opened.”
“You’ve lost it. Most of my friends think I’m a prude. I’m so particular about men that I haven’t slept with one in four years.”
“Which is precisely why you’ll cave. Did you not tell me in the dining room that he was fine?” Jewell’s eyes dared her to deny it with everyone watching.
“I may have said that before he opened his big mouth to Winter and the other men in the kitchen.”
“I think she could resist him.”
Arin gave Stori a “thank you” smile.
“I saw his dick when you were beating the fuck out him, Jewell.” Stori made space for herself by moving Ember’s legs over so she could sit down on the huge bed. “Hon, you don’t want to break your fast with one of those weenies that can fit in a can. You want a big piece of man steak to make that pussy come alive again.”
Arin gaped at Stori.
“To give Hennessy credit, his dick wasn’t that small.”
Sasha raised a finger, hushing her. “But, did you have to work at it to get that size?”
“Yes …”
“Then it’s not a beefsteak; it’s a wiener. We have a whole club full of beefsteaks you can choose from. I can help you pick a nice, large one if you want,” Sasha magnanimously offered.
“We could hedge our bets.”
Arin was thankful Jewell had stopped Sasha from describing the various members’ … members.
“She could join the Naughty Santa contest. No sucking or fucking, remember? Even if she wanted to, she wouldn’t be allowed.”
“I told you to tell Viper that I didn’t want to.”
“I must have forgotten.”
Arin rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry; I won’t cave. I don’t want to play the game anymore, anyway. I’m done with men.”
Sasha’s face dropped in disappointment. Then, giving her a beseeching glance, she tried to convince her. “Each of us would split the money we make off the bet with you.”
“Sorry, but I don’t need the money.”
“Everyone needs money.” Ember added her own pleading gaze to the mix.
Arin shrugged. “I don’t.”
“Damn,” all the women muttered except Jewell.
“How bad do you want me to quit The Last Riders and go to work for you?”
Arin frowned. “Bad enough that I’m spending Christmas here trying to convince you to accept my job offer.”
“If you let Winter and the girls win the bet, I’ll come work for you, but if Hennessy wins, I stay put.”
“Who will you be betting on?” Arin already knew the answer. Her friend had no intention of leaving The Last Riders.
Jewell was always honest. That was why they had been friends since they were twelve years old and why she needed her so desperately for her business.
“You won’t play sneaky and help Hennessy out?”
“You know me better than that.”
She did. Jewell would never do anything to hurt her, even to win a bet.
“I’m going to take you up on that bet, Jewell. I’ll get human resources to send you an employment packet to your email.”
“Slow your roll. You haven’t won yet.”
“I will.” Arin started to mentally plan the office that Jewell would be in. She would have to move her vice president, who wouldn’t be happy, but Nathan would get over it in a few weeks. She and Jewell would be able to eat lunch together every day, and most importantly, what she hadn’t mentioned when she had repeatedly asked Jewell to take the job … she wouldn’t be so lonely.