Page 29 of Ho Ho Hennessy
Arin wished her phone was out to take a picture of Hennessy’s face. Jewell had warned her about what was about to happen, so she had prepared herself. The only thing that had her from having a bitch-fit was, deep down, she knew she had nothing to be jealous of. Hennessy wasn’t hers yet. Besides, if one of the women did get touchy-feely, she would do what he did when he took care of a problem—throw the bitch off the porch.
Hennessy’s hands went to Ember’s waist as if he was about to dump her off him until Moon stopped him.
“If you think she’s been a good girl, you keep the picture, and she gets the gift for Christmas. If you think she’s been a bad girl, she gets a lump of coal in her stocking. The women also get the chance to change your mind while she’s on your lap.”
As Hennessy took the picture from Ember, Story jumped on next.
“Santa, I’ve not been as good as Ember, but I tried”—Stori wiggled on Hennessy’s lap—“hard.”
Clearing his throat, Hennessy practically ripped Stori’s picture from her hand. ”You’ve been a good girl.”
“Don’t you want to know what I want?” Stori teased, wiggling on his lap again.
“No. Next!”
Disappointed, Stori let Jewell get on his lap.
“Moon, give her a lump of coal.”
“But … I get to change your mind!” Jewell protested.
“Save your breath. There’s nothing that’s going to chan—”
Arin sucked a deep breath in through her teeth at Hennessy’s pained expression.
Jewell’s hand had disappeared under the suit jacket, and, from his agonized expression, Arin had a feeling that Jewell was twisting his nipple. She fought dirty when she wanted to.
“Give me the fucking picture.”
“Thank you, Santa.”
Gloating, Jewell got off to let Jet take her place.
Arin refilled the cups and started tidying up the club to bide time to make herself last.
When it was her turn, most of the men had started playing pool, while the women sat around on the couch to finish the last of their drinks.
Arin saw the wary look through Hennessy’s beard when she finally took her turn.
Wiggling her bottom to see if her suspicions were correct, she was bewildered when she didn’t feel what she had expected to feel under her bottom. She had thought he would have had a massive hard-on after letting all those gorgeous women plaster themselves against him.
He wasn’t.
“Aren’t you going to tell me if you were a good girl this year?”
Arin almost deserted her plan. It was becoming derailed because of Hennessy’s lack of response to the other women. She had wanted him to ask if she was his Santa so they could spend the rest of her vacation the way she wanted—her in his bed. The problem was that the jerk wouldn’t ask. He wanted to wait until he was sure.
For the badass biker he pretended to be, he was as an old man driving a speedway at forty miles hour. She would be packing her suitcase in her rental car before the idiot figured out she was a sure thing.
Realizing she was being just as cautious, she put her past with Marcus behind her and took the steering wheel.
“Santa”—Arin ran her hand down Hennessy’s waist, slipping under his jacket to grip the buckle of his overly large pants, rubbing the back of her knuckles just above his crotch—“I’ve been a very, very bad girl. What are you going to do about it?”
Chapter 15
Hennessy gripped the arms of the chair, feeling sweat break out under his hat, aware the women on the couch were watching, despite pretending not to.
“Depends on what you consider bad.” Trying to sound stern and failing miserably, he tried to keep his eye above her tits.
Jesus … Jesus … Sweet baby Jesus.
Resting her head on his shoulder, she delved farther under his suit.
His head fell back on the chair, and he started praying when she wiggled on his lap.
“I gave a blowjob to a complete stranger. I’ve never done that before.”
“You haven’t?” he managed to croak out.
“No, and not only that, I want to do it again. I like being bad.”
“I like when you’re bad, too. Let’s go upstairs, and you can be bad all night long. I’ll even help.”
“Don’t you want to find out what I want for Christmas?”
The seductive voice in his ear was like fifty-thousand amps of electricity running through his body at the impact of a lightning strike.
“I don’t know what you want, but I know what you’re going to get if you don’t stop.”
“Do you want me to?”
“God, no.”
“Santa, the only thing I want is you.”
Pure lust swept through him that he had no capacity to hold back any longer. Arin was an adrenaline rush that stormed his senses, one he powerless to withstand.
When she dragged her breasts across his chest, he forgot the club was within inches of them. Taking her mouth, Hennessy kissed Arin fervently, feeling his cock swell under the baggy pants as she boldly circled her fingers around his length. Grabbing her by the arms, he mashed her tits harder against him.