Page 38 of Ignite
“Let me talk to her.”
My mouth dropped open as I shook my head. Daddy started laughing and motioned for me to talk. “Dad, people can hear whatever he says to me.”
“Hold on, I’m trying to talk her into it.”
“Ten-four,” Emmit said like it was no big deal that everyone and their mother would hear our conversation.
I held up my hands as I gave my father a stern look. “Ease the poor kid’s mind, Adaline.”
Holy shit this was not going to turn out well.
With a deep breath in, I pushed it out and hit the button. “Hey.”
“Hey, baby.”
I tried to keep my voice calm as I smiled. I’d never want Emmit to know how I was scared to death every time he climbed into that car.
“Wanted to hear your voice, Addie.”
I instantly saw a camera pointing up to the box as I looked away and talked back to him. “I forgot to tell you something, Emmit.”
Emmit chuckled and said, “Better tell me before we go green.”
Breathe, Adaline. “As of this morning, I’m officially working full time for Elliot Racing.”
“What?” Emmit asked as I looked at my father. Nodding his head for me to keep talking, I said, “Yep. Seems Elliot Racing wants a full time nurse on staff to travel with y’all.”
“Please tell me you’re not kidding.”
I couldn’t help but notice there was another camera pointed up at me as I let out a giggle. “You’re stuck with me, Emmit.”
Emmit yelled, “Yes! Baby, you just made my day.”
I shook my head and laughed. “Okay, get back to racing. I love you.”
“Green flag out,” the spotter said as I exhaled a deep breath and sat back. Daddy bumped my arm and chuckled. “You’re going to be the talk of the town, baby girl.”
I rolled my eyes as I moaned. My phone went off next to me. Pulling it up, I saw it was Kristin Adams, Doug Adam’s wife. I’d met her last week after the race and then again this morning. We had coffee and exchanged phone numbers.
Kristin: You’re on the news!
Me: Oh shit.
Kristin: That was the cutest damn thing I’ve ever heard! HA! What publicity!
My cheeks burned as I looked around.
“How’s the car feeling?” Daddy asked Emmit as I focused back in on the race.
“Okay,” was all Emmit said as his spotter came over the radio again as Emmit was pacing lap traffic.
“All clear.”
Emmit quickly made a move after turn four and moved into second place.
“Ten laps to go,” Daddy said as he spun his ring on his finger. It was a habit he had done since I could remember. He only did it when he was nervous. His voice always stayed smooth and unmoving for Emmit though. Even when Emmit was cursing him out, Daddy always stayed calm.
“How far ahead?” Emmit asked his spotter.