Page 46 of Ignite
“Listen, Emmit, all I’m saying is the two of you just got back together. Give yourself time to adjust to things. I mean, are you sure she’s even going to enjoy that kind of life?”
Adaline came walking into the kitchen and gave me a sexy smile as she ran her hand along the granite.
“Yes, I’m sure. Listen, Chris, I’ve got to run.”
Adaline perked up. “Your brother, Chris?” she asked.
With a quick nod of my head, she dropped her mouth open and said, “Tell him hi and I can’t wait to see him again.”
“Addie said hi and she can’t wait to see you again.” I said as I took her arm and gently pulled her to me.
Chris let out a dramatic sigh. “Tell her I can’t wait to see her too, and Emmit, do me a favor.”
“Sure, what is it?”
“Slow down.”
I shook my head as I grinned from ear to ear. “Dude, you know me better than that. I don’t know the meaning of the word slow.”
“Right. Tell mom I love her and I’ll see her at Thanksgiving.”
Adaline tilted her head, exposing her neck to me. Taking the invitation, I softly moved my lips across her skin. “Yep, will do. Later, Chris.”
“Later, Emmit.”
As I pulled the phone from my ear, I said, “Same old, Chris. Always worried about everything.”
Adaline expression was one of worry, “Is everything okay?”
Licking my lips, I gave her a wink and said, “Everything is more than okay, pumpkin. Come on, Mom’s waiting for us.”
Adaline pushed out a deep breath and said, “I hope she’ll be happy to see me.”
With a quick kiss and slap on Adaline’s ass, I laughed and said, “She’s ecstatic to see you, Addie. Stop worrying.”
I headed to the garage as Adaline followed closely behind me. As we stepped into the garage Adaline laughed. “Holy crap. Is that a . . . Ferrari?”
Walking her over to the passenger side, I opened the door and held her hand while she got in. “You know how I like my toys.”
Adaline shook her head as she glanced around the car. “I guess so.”
Five minutes later I was pulling into the driveway of my mother’s house as she stood on the porch waiting for us.
“Hold on, let me get your door,” I said as I jumped out of the car and jogged around to open Adaline’s door.
I helped her out only to have my mother scream Adaline’s name and slam into her as she gave her a giant bear hug.
“Oh, Adaline! I’ve missed you so much my sweet girl.”
Adaline looked at me with tears in her eyes. “I’ve missed you so much too, Candace.”
My mother pushed Adaline out at arm’s length and looked her over. “My goodness, you’ve become such a beautiful young woman. The flush on your cheeks is adorable. Adaline, your eyes look so happy, sweetheart.”
A beautiful rose color moved across Adaline’s face as she peeked over to me and then back at my mother. “I guess being in love will have that effect on you.”
My mother quickly glanced over to me and smiled bigger. “Let’s go inside; I’ve made your favorite.”
Adaline gasped. “Chicken tacos?”