Page 48 of Ignite
“What in the world are you two doing in the lake?” Candace asked as Emmit and I both glanced up at her.
“Addie wanted to go for a quick swim.”
Splashing Emmit, I swam back over to the dock. The second I got out of the water and stood up, Candace grabbed my left hand and screamed. I couldn’t help but chuckle. Emmit’s mother looked lovingly at her son as she said, “Oh, Emmit. Darling, it’s beautiful.”
As I looked back down at the ring, I was so thankful Emmit had bought it before he really started making money. The last thing I would want is a two and half carat diamond on my finger. “It’s perfect,” I said as I stared at the ring on my finger.
“Come on, you two. Let’s get you inside and dried off,” Candace said as she motioned for Emmit and I to head back to the house.
We walked hand in hand as water dripped off us both, I couldn’t think of a better way for Emmit to ask me to marry him. It felt as if I was walking on cloud nine.
I never wanted this feeling to end.
I let out a contented sigh as I got lost in the story I was reading. I had made Emmit a list of things we needed from the store for dinner tonight, and he insisted I stay behind and relax while he ran in to the store.
I placed my Kindle in my lap as I stopped and listened. Was that a doorbell I just heard?
I had been so lost in my story; I thought I heard someone at the door. With a shrug of my shoulders, I went back to reading.
Then I heard someone walking across the kitchen floor in heels. As I jumped up, my Kindle fell to the hardwood floor.
“Emmit? Sweetie, are you here?”
I reached down for my Kindle and grabbed it as I quickly made my
way into the kitchen. Stephanie was standing there unpacking bags of food.
“What are you doing here?” I asked. Stephanie jumped and let out a scream. I hadn’t meant to sound like a bitch, but I had to admit, her calling Emmit sweetie took me by surprise.
Stephanie’s hand went over her chest as she dragged in a few breaths. “Holy fucking shit, you scared the living piss out of me, Adaline.”
Nice mouth.
Giving her a slight smile, I said, “Sorry, I could say the same but I won’t.”
Her face turned red as she shook her head to clear her thoughts. “Oh . . . um . . . well I knew Emmit would be back home with no race this week. I usually bring him some food. I wasn’t able to get over here until now.”
Leaning against the counter, I held my Kindle in front of me. Stephanie glanced down and did a double take at the ring on my finger. She frowned before she quickly replaced it with a smile.
Stephanie’s hand went over her mouth as she did this weird little jump. “Oh, my gosh! Is that what I think it is?”
I lifted my left hand and smiled. “Yes. Emmit asked me to marry him earlier today.”
Stephanie walked over to me and took my hand as she studied the ring. “It’s so . . . simple.”
She did not.
My mouth dropped open as I narrowed my eyes at her.
“Oh no wait, I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. I just would have thought Emmit would have put a huge rock on your finger.” Letting out a quick chuckle, she looked back down at the ring before looking at me again.
“I think it’s perfect and it’s the same ring Emmit used to ask me to marry him a few years ago.”
Something passed over Stephanie’s face, but before I could read it, it was gone. “Well, I’m so happy for you both. We’ll have to throw you an engagement party.”
With a quick shake of my head, I lifted my hands. “No, no I don’t want anything like that.”