Page 83 of Ignite
After we both finished our little giggling fit, my mother turned serious. “I remember the day you were born, Adaline. Your father leaned over and kissed you on the tip of your little nose and told you no man would ever love you like he did. I see the way Emmit looks at you. The way he has always looked at you. He loves you with his whole heart.”
A single tear slowly rolled down my cheek. “I love him too. So very much.”
My mother nodded her head and quickly wiped a tear away. “The day I married your father, my grandmother spoke with me alone. She sat me down and gave me three pieces of advice that I’m going to share with you.”
“Okay,” I said as my mother and I held hands.
“Never go to sleep angry with each other. Everyone says this one I know, but it’s the most important one.”
“I promise we won’t,” I said with a grin.
“Now, this next one shocked the hell out of me coming from my grandmother, but it has been the best advice I’ve ever gotten.”
My curiosity was piqued as I waited for my mother to continue talking.
“Always play in the bedroom, and don’t be afraid to be vocal with what you want him to do to you sexually.”
My mouth fell open as my eyes widened in horror. She did not just say that to me.
“Um . . . Mom I didn’t need that visual of you and Daddy in my head. Gross!”
Rolling her eyes, my mother sighed. “Adaline, I’m not talking about me and your father right now, although I will say we have a very healthy sex life because of my grandmother’s words of advice.”
My body shuddered as I made a gagging motion.
“Stop it!” my mother said with a laugh.
“Okay, so can we move on to the other bit of advice now?” I asked as I tried to wipe away the mental image of my mother and father getting it on.
“The last piece of advice she gave me was, your husband should be your best friend, lover, husband, and father of your children. All in that order. Confide in each other and talk. Communication is the key to a long healthy marriage.”
My heart felt as if it was going to burst in my chest as I smiled at my mother. “That’s wonderful advice, Mom,” I said as I wrapped my arms around her.
“Don’t ruin your make-up!” Ashley shouted as I laughed and carefully wiped my tears away. Ashley pulled her phone out and took a selfie of the two of us. “Smile, so I can send it to my friends! I can’t believe my big brother is getting married!”
After a quick redo of my makeup, I took in a deep breath and slowly blew it out. The soft knock on the door alerted us that it was time. My father walked in as I turned to face him. I’d never seen my father cry. That’s a lie. He cried the first time Emmit won a NASCAR race. According to him, he had something in his eye.
“Hey, Daddy.”
Slowly shaking his head, my father walked up to me and placed his hands on my arms as he looked me over. “My God, you are beautiful, Adaline.”
Tears were started to build up as I smiled and tilted my head. “You kind of have to say that, you’re my dad.”
“Bull shit. You are stunning and Emmit is one lucky bastard. I made sure he knows it.”
Lifting my eyebrow, I cocked my head and giggled. “You didn’t, Daddy.”
Pulling his back, he attempted to look innocent. “What? I just gently reminded him that if he was to ever hurt you, he’d get hurt.”
Shaking my head, I slapped him lightly on the chest. “Are you ready, Daddy?”
Tears built in his eyes as he nodded and the words barely came out. “No.” He held his arm out for me to take as I laced my arm through his.
“I’ll always be yours, Daddy,” I said as we made our way out of the room and to the man of my dreams.
After getting a kiss from my mother and Candace, they turned and headed out to the beach. Todd was walking around making sure everything was going how it should go. He looked kind of cute with one of those walkie talkie things and an ear piece in. My mind drifted momentarily. What if Stephanie shows up and tries to ruin our wedding.
I swallowed hard and took in a shaky breath as I waited for the wedding planner to cue my father and I to start walking. The breeze of the ocean caught my dress just right as it blew in the wind. I ended up ditching the Jimmy Choo shoes I had bought and planned on wearing with my other dress. I was barefoot and it felt right.