Page 16 of Entice Me (Austin Singles 2)
“Hey, Momma.”
“Hello, darling. How are things down in the vast open spaces of Texas?”
I chuckled. “It’s Austin; nothing vast and open about it. It’s like any other big city.”
“Well, it’s still Texas. Not Utah.”
Rolling my eyes, I dropped on the small sofa and pulled my knees up to my chin.
“Later today I’m going to look at a few condos.”
“Oh, Kaelynn, darling why do you insist on staying there?”
“I like it here, Momma. I’m my own person here. It’s hard to explain.”
She sighed. “I honestly do understand, sweetheart. There was a time in my life I needed to be away and figure out who I was as well.”
“I know who I am and I know what I want. Right now, Austin is what I want. I love being here and helping Morgan get her business going. I’m going to be driving to Houston tomorrow to meet with a company who is wanting to set up a scholarship in one of their employee’s son’s name. He was killed in a helicopter accident during a military exercise a few months back.”
“How nice of them to do that. Poor woman, give her our blessings.”
I nodded, even though she couldn’t see me.
“You want to tell me what’s on your mind?” she asked in a hushed voice. I could hear a door click behind her.
“What do you mean?” I replied with a light chuckle.
“Kaelynn Shae Whitaker, I know when something is wrong. I hear it in your voice.”
My eyes widened in shock. It was sort of scary my mother knew me so well. It was also weird hearing her use my full name. It caused a pang of guilt to rip through my body. I introduced myself to everyone as Kaelynn Dotson. My mother’s maiden name. It wasn’t my legal name, but it had been useful when I was back in Utah, where our family name was known by most. The moment you mentioned Whitaker, people started plotting ways to use you. At the time I had met Morgan, I had already been using Dotson as my last name. I had meant to tell her the truth; it just never came up or seemed necessary. Now it felt too late to say anything, and honestly, what did it matter? My fear was Morgan would think I was doing this to help her because money wasn’t an issue, not because I truly believed in the work she was setting out to do. Or course, deep in my heart, I knew that was not true.
You’ve dug your hole, Kaelynn. Figure out how to climb out of it.
“Nothing is wrong. I’m simply ready to get out of this hotel. Well, this studio in the hotel. It was cute and charming at first, but that wore off quick. I need my own space.”
“Your sister said you were keeping your place here. I was glad to hear that.”
“Of course I am. It’s home. I may still move back if things don’t . . .” I let my voice trail off.
I could hear my mother?
?s head spinning with that little bit. “Please tell me you haven’t fallen for a boy.”
Laughing, I replied, “A boy? Mom, you do know I’m twenty-six. I’ve long since moved on from boys.”
“Ha ha. You know what I mean. I hope this melancholy I hear in your voice is not caused from a boy. I mean, a man.”
“It’s not. Like I said, I just need to get out of this hotel and into my own space. I’ve asked Jack to send me a few things once I get settled.”
“You mean you won’t be coming back home to get your things? Oh, Kaelynn, this is going to break your father’s heart.”
Needless to say, my parents were not thrilled when I told them I was moving to Austin, Texas. My brother and sister, on the other hand, thought it was a great move. Me being the middle child and all, not much attention was drawn on me. With this move to Texas, though, it threw all of my parent’s attention on me. Freeing my brother and sister for a bit from the watchful eyes of our parents.
“I promise I’ll be up to visit. With Morgan getting started, I really want to be here for her. Besides, I need to go dress shopping with Millie. Is she getting more excited?”
“That was a clever change of subject. Yes, she is getting excited; we all are. Now, are you coming home for both holidays?” my mother asked in a hopeful voice.
“Christmas, for sure.”