Page 26 of Entice Me (Austin Singles 2)
“Nash, it’s Terri.”
“Hey, you’re on speakerphone. What’s up?”
“Who’s with you?”
Nash peeked over to me and replied, “Kaelynn, I’m driving her to Houston; her car broke down . . . it’s a long story.”
“Oh! Hey, Kaelynn!”
Smiling, I replied, “Hi, Terri.”
“Listen, Nash, I have a huge favor to ask of you.”
“What’s up?”
“I want to surprise Jim with something during the wedding.”
“Okay, what do you need from me?”
“Do you think you or Tucker can help me get Jim’s passport information? He thinks he can’t get off at work, but I’ve already arranged it with his boss for Jim to take two weeks off. I want to go to Ireland.”
Nash’s face exploded in a full-on grin. “Terri, he’s been wanting to go to Ireland for as long as I can remember.”
“I know! Charlie said she has a friend who has a lovely little cottage that sits on this bluff that overlooks the ocean. I really think Jim is going to be over the moon. I don’t know how to keep it a secret, though, if I have to ask him for his passport information to buy the plane tickets. The airline needs it ahead of time.”
Nash’s face went serious as he thought about it. “I think I know how to get it.”
“Oh my gosh, really, Nash? I will owe you so big if you can get that information to me as soon as possible. I think
I can buy the tickets now; I just need to get the information put in before the trip. With the wedding not that far way, I don’t want to risk anything.”
“It’s no problem at all, Terri. When do you need it by?”
“As soon as you can?”
“I’ll take care of it.”
You could hear little yelps of joy coming from through the phone. It was clear Terri had tried to cover the phone as she cried out in joy. “Nash, you are the best. Thank you! I’ll call later to find out the plan. I have to run. Love you! Bye, Kaelynn.”
“Bye, Terri!” The line went dead and I let out a chuckle. “She was excited.”
He nodded and smiled. “Yeah, those two have been dating forever. I’m glad to see them finally making it official.”
“What does Jim do for a living?”
“He’s a veterinarian. Works mostly with horses. Especially racehorses. He’s been known to fly to Kentucky, Europe, all those fun places where people with more money than sense seek his or his dad’s advice or help.”
“Wow . . . your friends are all pretty successful in their careers.”
Nash nodded and replied, “Yeah. They’re a great group.”
“It’s great to see Charlie finally getting to pursue her dreams,” he continued. “She gave up a lot, including Tucker, just to make her father happy.”
“What do you mean she gave up Tucker?”
“Back in college they had the hots for each other. We all saw it except for the two of them. One weekend, they finally gave in to their attraction. Charlie ended up walking away, though, leaving Tucker pretty heartbroken. Her father put a lot of pressure on her to take over CMI someday, and Charlie put the company before everything else in her life for the longest time.”
I stared out the window. “Wow. But they made their way back to each other?” I asked, glancing back over to Nash.