Page 84 of Entice Me (Austin Singles 2)
I sighed and pushed my hand through my hair. “I should have done what I said I was going to do and not gotten involved with anyone. I said I would never open my heart again and look what happened when I did.”
“So, that doesn’t mean anything. You both made a mistake. We all can’t be perfect. She’s going to mess up and so will you.”
“Trust has to be the main focus of any relationship I have with a woman. Was the secret Kaelynn was hiding something terrible? No. I can actually understand why she didn’t tell me.”
“Then why are you willing to walk away from a woman you love, Nash?”
“Because she didn’t trust me enough to tell me the truth. She didn’t trust me to look past that and not think I could compare her to Lily. I know she was going to tell me. I truly believe in my heart she was, but look at the first thing she did when we were faced with a problem. She ran. She left me, Morgan, without so much as letting me know where she was going. You don’t do that if you love someone.”
“Nash,” Morgan whispered. “Don’t give up on this. Don’t give up on Kaelynn. Don’t give up on love.”
Glancing down at the desk, I shook my head. “I really need to finish this up before I have to go.”
I could feel the weight of Morgan’s gaze on me. I glanced up in time to see the look of disappointment on her face.
“I never thought in my life I would ever say this to you, Nash Barrett.” She stood and pointed to me. “You are a stupid asshole. I thought you were different from other guys. I thought maybe you were one of t
he good ones who listened to your heart and not your stupid head. I thought if you found love, you would fight for it with everything you had. You have a second chance to make this right. I didn’t get that chance with Mike, and I would give anything to have that second chance.” She wiped away a tear and shrugged. “I guess I was wrong. You’re no different from the rest of them.”
My mouth opened to say something, but words left me. I watched as my sister turned on her heels, stormed to the door, and slammed it shut.
Rubbing the back of my neck, I exhaled before picking up the file on my desk and trying to focus on work.
Coming down the escalator in the Salt Lake City airport, I rolled my neck to get some of the tension out as I listened to Tucker and Charlie preach to me about how Kaelynn was perfect for me.
“Listen, guys, I appreciate all the advice. I’m only here to explain to her about the background check, and that’s all.”
“And you couldn’t do that over the phone?” Charlie asked. I could hear Hannah cooing in the background.
“No. The first thing I need to do is get checked into a hotel, then figure out the best way to let Kaelynn know I’m in town.”
“How about I just take you to her?”
The voice stopped me in my tracks. Turning to the left, I saw a young woman with the same dark hair and hazel eyes as Kaelynn.
“Excuse me? Are you speaking to me?” I asked.
“Ah, I see you’ve met Millie Whitaker. You’re not the only one who has connections, Nash. I told Morgan to call and let Millie know you were coming. You need someone to help you with this. A woman,” Charlie said with a bit of satisfaction in her voice.
Millie stood there smiling as I pulled the phone out and glared at it.
“Stop glaring at the phone. Now go get back the woman you love, Nash!” Charlie exclaimed.
“Dude, listen to your heart. Please!” Tucker added.
“I hate both of you right now. I’m hanging up.”
Hitting end, I tilted my head and stared down at the younger version of Kaelynn.
“She doesn’t know you’re here. Morgan called me and told me you were coming.”
“Who are you?” I asked.
Laughing, Millie answered. “Millie Whitaker. Younger and much smarter sister of Kaelynn Whitaker, aka, Kaelynn Dotson. It’s our mom’s maiden name.”
“I know,” I replied as she frowned for a moment.
“You won’t need to stay at a hotel; you can stay at our house.”