Page 1 of Adrenaline
For my husband, Darrin, who gave me the idea to write a story about a NASCAR driver and helped me so much along the way.
I love you more.
SIRENS AND RED LIGHTS SURROUNDED me as I sat on the ground holding Casey in my arms. I looked at all the blood on her cheerleading uniform and cried out.
“This is not happening. Casey, please don’t leave me! Baby, please don’t do this to me. I’m so sorry!” I shouted as a paramedic rushed over to me.
Tears streamed down my cheeks as I looked up and begged God not to take her from me.
“Sir, you have to let her go. Sir! You have to let her go now!”
Reluctantly, I let go as I watched them perform CPR on the only girl I’d ever cared for . . . ever loved.
“I can’t find a pulse!”
Burying my face in my hands, I felt my entire world come crashing down on me.
Nothing would ever be the same if I lost her.
Nine years earlier
I stood and looked up at him as I asked, “Why are you leaving me here, Daddy? I don’t want to stay here.” My eyes looked everywhere as my tummy ached.
“Look at me, Paislie.” His eyes were dark and cold, like when he was angry with me. “Don’t cry, Paislie Lynn Pruitt. Pruitt’s don’t cry. You’re almost nine years old, for Christ’s sake.”
My lips trembled as I fought to hold my tears back.
“Will you come back for me?” I asked.
He slowly shook his head. “No. I’m not coming back.”
Taking a step back, he turned and walked away . . . leaving me all alone. The nun walked up and wrapped her arm around me. Bending down, she gave me a warm smile. I liked her right away. She looked like Momma. “Paislie, my name is Sister Elizabeth. Come with me and we’ll get you settled in.”
She guided me up the stairs as I lifted my head and read the sign, Saint Patrick’s Orphanage.
Lifting my hand, I quickly wiped away my tear before Sister Elizabeth saw it.
I PULLED BLACK JACK TO a stop as I looked out over the hill country. There was nothing like being back at home in Texas and on the ranch. No early morning strategizing meetings with Dalton. No pressure from the sponsors to be on my a-game. Nothing to worry about at all.
Just nature.
Pulling on the reigns, I turned Black Jack and headed back to the house. She’d be here soon and I still needed to take a shower. “Let’s go, boy,” I shouted as I gave Jack a bit of pressure to get him into a run.
Twenty minutes later and hot water was running over my body.
My hands were leaning against the travertine wall as I hung my head with my eyes closed.
“If that is not the best damn site I’ve seen in a while.”