Page 106 of Adrenaline
Feeling satisfied with her answer, Deuce laid his head on Paislie’s lap.
I slowly drew in a deep breath before letting it out. “So, I have some more news for you.”
She took a drink of water from the water bottles that Janet had packed. “Is it bigger than this?” she asked as she held up her diamond.
I was suddenly overcome with nerves and scared as hell I might have jumped the gun. Shit. I thought this was going to be easier than asking her to marry me.
“I’m selling my house. I want to start our new life in a new home that we make together.”
Paislie’s sandwich stopped short of her mouth as she stared at me. “You’re selling your house? What about Autumn and Sophie?”
“I’ve actually got a place lined up for her. Although I’m not sure how she would feel if she knew we had made love on the couch twice now.”
Her eyebrows pinched together in confusion. “What are you . . . oh my gosh! Autumn and Sophie will be living here in the cottage?”
With a smile, I said, “If she wants. For all I know, she might want to move into an apartment in Waco. She really loves her job at the university.”
“Oh wow. Does she know, I mean have you told her about wanting to sell your house?”
I felt guilty that I had kept Paislie in the dark, but I really wanted to surprise her with this new adventure we were about to take.
“I have. I was just waiting to make sure the sale of the new house went through.”
Her hands came up to her face as she said, “Okay wait. Malcolm you have my head spinning. You’ve already purchased a house? Don’t you think I might have wanted to have some sort of say in that? I mean, if we’re getting married, I’d kind of like to be a part of the big decisions.”
My heart was pounding in my chest as I nodded my head. “You’re right and I normally wouldn’t have kept you in the dark like this. But I knew you’d love the house. Everyone knew you would.”
“Wait. How many people know about you selling your house?”
Oh. Shit.
“Um . . . just a few people.”
I jumped up and reached for Paislie’s hands, pulling her to me. Deuce stretched and went to the door and waited for someone to open it. “Come on. I’ll show you the new house.”
“What?” Paislie said as she glanced around the room at everything. “What about all of this? The fire?”
Walking up to the fire, I hit a switch and it went out.
“Holy cr
ap! That was gas? I’d have never have guessed,” she mindlessly said.
“Come on!” I was sure she could hear the excitement in my voice as I dragged her to the front door while Deuce barked.
“The food!” she called out as I laughed.
“That’s what I pay Janet for.”
Paislie rolled her eyes and pulled me to a stop. “Malcolm Wallace. We can clean up our own mess. Let’s go back in there and take care of it so Janet doesn’t have to deal with it.”
My smile faded. “You’re serious?”
Folding her arms over her chest, she nodded. “I most certainly am.”
“But, Paislie—”
Holding up her hand to quiet me, she replied, “Malcolm, just because you’re used to being waited on, I’m not. I don’t want Janet to think I’m going to take advantage of her, especially now that we’re engaged. Now come on, let’s go back in and pack up the food.”