Page 127 of Adrenaline
Promptly doing what her daddy said, Emmerson brought the horse down to a walk.
“Ugh! Malcolm, she’s six. Stop talking to her like she is part of a pit crew!”
With a laugh, he pulled me closer to him and rested his hand on my swollen belly. “How’s our son doing today?”
“Active. I have a feeling he’s going to be an adrenaline junky like his father.” I rubbed my stomach and felt our baby kick. Hard. “See!” I snickered.
“Four more weeks, baby.”
I sighed and placed my hand on my lower back. “Thank goodness. This baby is killing my back.”
Emmerson rode her horse up to us and stopped right on a dime. Her brown pigtails bounced around as she flashed her sweet little smile. “Daddy, can we go on our picnic now?”
Reaching up for her, Malcolm took her off the horse and held her in his strong arms. Malcolm motioned for one of the stable hands to come and take Rascal back to the stables. “It’s up to your momma.”
My body was aching and my lower back was killing me, but when her little blue eyes pleaded with me, there was no way I could say no. “Of course we can. Let’s go see if Clarisse has the basket ready to go.”
With huge grin, Emmerson fought to get down so she could run ahead of us. “I’m gonna invite Landon too! Y’all know we’re gonna get married someday!”
“Damn it all to hell. Why must she say that all the time?” Malcolm moaned as I wrapped my arm around his waist.
“Did I tell you what Addie told me yesterday? She said Emmit about busted with pride when he found out.”
Malcolm gave me a worried look. “Do I really want to know?”
With a shrug, I replied, “Only if you want to know the type of boy your daughter is attracted to.”
Malcolm stopped walking and faced me as he drew in a deep breath. “Jesus H. Christ. She’s six, what do you mean the type of boy she is attracted to? The only thing she should be attracted to is her horse.”
Trying not to smile too big, I looked back at the house as our daughter skipped up the front porch steps.
“Fine. Whatever, I’m ready to hear it.”
I peeked back at Malcolm and took his hands in mine. “Emmerson and Landon were walking out of school together holding hands.”
His eyes closed and he let out a frustrated moan.
“The principal was walking behind them as they made their way to Addie.”
Snapping his eyes open, a horrified look washed over his face. “Oh God. What did they do?”
“I guess yesterday at lunch a little boy in Landon’s class said Emmerson was pretty and that he was going to date her some day when she got older.”
Malcolm’s face turned white as a ghost. “Oh holy hell.”
Placing his hands on his knees, he dragged in a few breaths. “God is paying me back for all my sins. That’s why he gave me a girl.”
My hand covered my mouth as I let out a giggle.
Dropping my hand, I went on. “So anyway, this little boy declared he was going to date Emmerson. Landon wasn’t having anything to do with that and told the little boy if he so much as looked at Emmerson the wrong way, he would . . . he would . . .”
“He would what?!” Malcolm shouted.
Trying to keep the laughter in, I shook my head and held up my hand. “Hold on! Need . . . one . . . second.”
Malcolm waited not so patiently while I got myself under control. “He said he would bust his nuts and kick his ass.”
His mouth dropped as I busted out laughing harder.