Page 16 of Adrenaline
For the first time since dating Trey, I got the feeling he had just told me his first lie. Plenty of guys have lied to me . . . practically my whole life. So when he didn’t look me in the eyes and fumbled with his phone, I knew.
I wasn’t the only woman in Trey’s life.
I blew out a frustrated breath as I stood in the VIP-only area. Trey was in heaven as he talked to a few NASCAR drivers and got his picture taken with them. When one asked if I wanted to get in the picture, Trey said no, which momentarily caught me off guard.
“I mean, let me get one alone, baby, then you jump in and you can get one.”
Needless to say, his response only confirmed my suspicions that Trey was seeing someone else and couldn’t risk a picture of the two of us together.
I slipped away when the photo was being taken and Trey wasn’t paying attention. I wasn’t sure where I was allowed and not allowed to go. All I knew was I needed fresh air.
Stepping outside the garage area, I turned the corner and ran right into someone.
“Shit! I’m so sorry,” I blurted out as I looked up at the guy I ran into.
Strong hands took ahold of me, causing me to gasp at the zip of energy that rushed through my body as I stared into the bluest eyes I’d ever seen.
“I’m . . . I’m so . . . ahh . . . sorry,” I said shaking my head to clear my thoughts as I stared at his features. He had a strong jaw line, perfect nose, eyelashes I’d kill for, and the most breathtaking smile I’d ever seen.
Down, Paislie. Settle down.
The man standing before me had to be the most handsome guy I’d ever laid eyes on. He was dressed in jeans and a white T-shirt that showed off his massive chest. He had tattoos all the way down his left arm that filled me with the urge to trace them with my fingers. No, with my tongue.
What in the hell is wrong with you, Paislie?
“Are you okay?” he asked.
Mother of all things good in this world. His voice sounded like God had opened the gates of heaven and sent an angel down. It vibrated through my entire body, and in a good way. A very good way. Was that a southern accent I heard?
Please let him be from the south.
“No,” I mumbled.
His eyes filled with concern as they traveled over my body and I visibly trembled.
What in hell is happening to me?
He looked deeper into my eyes. “Did I hurt you?”
My mouth parted open and I tried like hell to talk.
“Paislie? Are you hurt?”
The second he said my name, I fantasized about him calling it out as he moved over my body with his lips and—
Closing my eyes, I pushed all those thoughts out and got control of myself. “I’m sorry. I think I was stunned for a moment.” Pinching my brows together, I asked, “How do you know my name?”
His right hand dropped and my body instantly missed the contact. He lifted the VIP pass and smiled a crooked smile that honestly made my knees shake. “Oh,” I said with a chuckle. “Duh.”
Good lord. What are we, in middle school? Duh? That was the best I could come up with?
I couldn’t help but notice his left hand was still holding onto my arm. I glanced down at it and he must have noticed too because he dropped it. “So . . . are you okay?”
With a wave of my hand, I let out a nervous laugh. “Totally. I’m sorry. I needed to get away from Trey . . .” I closed my eyes and cursed under my breath. “No, I mean I needed fresh air and I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
When I looked back up into his blue eyes, I couldn’t help but notice the dimples on both sides of his cheeks. Jesus in heaven . . . please give me the willpower to not jump this man right here and now.
“You have a beautiful smile,” I blurted out.