Page 4 of Adrenaline
“Malcolm, one of these days you’re going to meet someone who is going to make you want more. I know what we had was just the first step in moving on.”
I swallowed hard and dropped my eyes.
“When you meet her you’re going to know instantly. Don’t push her away.”
With a chuckle, I took her hand in mine and pushed one of her fingers inside my mouth. I slowly sucked on it while I pulled it out while her mouth parted open. If there was one thing I knew how to do, it was use sex to my advantage. Anytime a woman started to talk about feelings, all I had to do was give them a visual.
“I’m glad you found someone who makes you feel that way, Ashley. But I lost that privilege a long time ago and I have no interest in it anymore.”
Ashley pulled a deep breath in through her nose and slowly blew it out. “I’ll see you soon?”
“Is that a question or a statement?”
Giggling, she took a few steps back. “Bye, Malcolm.”
She turned and headed over toward the helicopter pad as I shook my head and smiled. If finding love was what Ashley wanted, I wished her all the best. That shit was not in the cards for me.
Never has been . . . never will.
THE MOMENT I SMELLED THAT familiar cinnamon-apple scent, I smiled and instantly relaxed.
I dropped my keys on the antique table that sat in the entryway and kicked off the overly-expensive shoes my best friend, Annie, talked me i
nto buying two weeks ago.
My hand went to the back of my neck where I massaged it while making my way into my modest two-bedroom apartment. Bending down, I held my hand out in hopes my bitch of a cat would at least welcome me home.
“Well hey there, sweet girl.”
Princess was a gray and white cat who still looked like a kitten. She’d barely grown after I got her and every single one of my friends called her ‘the kitten’. I was positive that was why she was such a little biotch. Her ego was bruised.
The cat stared at me like she couldn’t have cared less that I was there. Standing, I blew out a frustrated breath and made my way over to the kitchen.
“I bet you’ll love on me if I give you some food, won’t you, girl?”
Sure enough, when I pulled the lid back on her cat food, Princess ran in between my legs.
“There ya go, girl; eat up while I look for something for me to eat.”
My cell phone rang as I stood in front of the refrigerator and stared at nothing but almond milk, blueberries, and leftover Chinese food.
Annie’s name moved across the screen as I swiped my finger. “Hello?”
Music blared from the other end of the phone. “Annie? Where are you?”
“Paislie! Oh my gawd! You have to come out tonight. I know you said you were tired, but the amount of hot guys at this new bar is insane!”
Rolling my eyes, I leaned against the counter. “I can’t, Annie. I have a full day tomorrow at work.”
“Why is it always about work with you?”
Annie grew up in a very privileged home, unlike me who bounced from foster home to foster home and always ended back at the orphanage.
With a dry laugh, I replied, “Um . . . because I need it to clothe and feed myself.”
Annie huffed into the phone. “Paislie, you are the only person I know who puts a dedicated amount of money away in your savings. Girl, do you have any idea how fun shopping would be if you actually spent money?”