Page 40 of Adrenaline
With a grin, I shook my head. “No, I’m good. It’s all very exciting.”
His smile spoke volumes. I enjoyed being in his company as much as he enjoyed mine.
After driver introductions and the singing of the “Star Spangled Banner,” Malcolm crawled into his car. Panic filled my entire body as I watched them help him get strapped in. It took everything in me not to beg him not to do this, but I knew how unfair that would be. This was his life. I imagined it was his everything.
Malcolm said something to the guys and they stepped aside while he motioned for me to walk up. With a nervous smile, I leaned over
and said the only stupid thing that came to mind.
He grinned so big I couldn’t help but laugh. “I’ve never had a girl down here with me before.”
I raised my eyebrows and asked, “Really? Does this mean I get to kiss you before you take off a gazillion miles an hour in a circle?”
His hand came up to my neck as he pulled me closer. “Yes,” he spoke against my lips as my body caught on fire when he kissed me.
I pulled back and licked my lips as I gazed into his eyes. “Be careful, Malcolm.”
With a wink, he said, “I’m always careful, baby.”
I stepped back and watched as he put his helmet on.
Oh. My.
Why did that look hot as hell on him? Shit. Everything looked hot as hell on him. But when he turned and looked at me and all I saw were those blue eyes, I had to force my legs not to go out on me.
Malcolm lifted his hand and I lifted mine. I was well aware of the cameras and I’m sure everyone was dying to know who the girl with Malcolm Wallace was.
“Come on, Paislie, I’ll help you up there with Dalton,” Justin, one of the pit crew guys, said.
It didn’t take long for me to chew half my thumbnail off as I watched Malcolm do what he did as he raced at almost two hundred miles an hour around the stupid track. I could hear everything he was saying as well as his spotter and Dalton. I quickly found out Malcolm Wallace doesn’t like to be pushed around and he had a temper.
Russ came on the headphones and said, “Go the high line in turn four, looks like the number seven might be loose.”
“Fuck, she’s slipping all over the goddamn place. Dalton, we need to adjust the pressure. I can’t drive her.”
Dalton nudged my shoulder, causing me to turn my head. He winked and said, “Paislie, you’re going to bite your lip off. Stop being so worried.”
I nodded my head and let out the breath I hadn’t even noticed I was holding.
“Trouble in turn three. Here it comes! We’re in it.”
“I’m going in blind,” Malcolm said as I dug my fingers into my jeans. I had a terrible feeling something bad was about to happen.
“High! Go high, high, high!”
When I saw his car emerge from the cloud of smoke, I pushed out a relieved sigh. Then another car shot up the track and clipped the back of Malcolm’s car, causing it to start spinning.
I quickly stood as did Dalton. It happened right in front of us. His car flew in the air and proceeded to flip end over end before hitting hard and being hit on the driver’s side by another car and driven up into the wall.
That did not just happen. Please God, no.
Every ounce of air was sucked out of me as I covered my mouth and I fought to hold back my tears. It wasn’t lost on me that a camera had been pointed up to me numerous times since the race started. The last thing I wanted to do was something wrong. This world was so new to me and I was the gossip talk of the track today.
Grabbing onto Dalton’s arm, I turned to him as he spoke. “Malcolm. Talk to me.”
Silence filled the air. I couldn’t hear anything else. Not the crowd, the sirens, the yelling. Nothing.