Page 64 of Predestined Hearts
Giving Devlin a look, I replied, “Behave, Mr. Covington.”
Winking, Devlin said, “Daniel is one lucky man.”
Blushing, I said my good-byes. “Good evening, Devlin. Please offer my congratulations to your sister. I couldn’t get anywhere near her this evening with all of the people around her.”
Giving a slight bow of his head, Devlin offered his farewells. “I bid all of you a good evening.”
Once settled in the carriage, I let out a long sigh. I was exhausted. Parties where clearly a thing of the past for me, or at least until I had Danny standing next to me to help me through the night.
Closing my eyes, Louise cleared her throat. Irene had hired Louise to help me once Danny had left. I had insisted I did not need anyone, but I had to admit she came in handy when I suffered from being so ill with the morning sickness.
“Mrs. Stowe?” Louise asked.
“Yes?” Irene and I both asked at once. Giggling, I kept my eyes shut as I let myself relax.
“Um … the misses of the house, Mrs. Stowe. That’s the Mrs. Stowe I was talking to.”
Opening my one eye, I peeked at Irene. Poor Louise, it was clear she was not properly trained but her heart was in the right place. Irene and Chester loved her so.
Danny’s mother chuckled and asked, “Yes, Louise, what is it?”
“A letter arrived for you today from Mr. Stowe’s uncle in London.”
I sat up quickly. “A letter? From London?” My heart began to race. Looking at Irene, I smiled. “Danny! We’ve finally received word from Danny!”
Irene smiled in return and wiped a tear from her face. “Finally is indeed right.”
Turning to Chester, I couldn’t help but notice the smile he wore. It did not appear to be true in nature. His eyes did not speak of happiness, but of concern.
Pushing it from my mind, I willed the carriage to bring me home faster.
Danny. My Danny.
LETTING OUT A contented sigh, I traced an invisible pattern on Gael’s chest as I spoke, “I love their story.”
“I love our story.” Gael wrapped his arms tighter around me to emphasize his words.
“Me too.”
The heat kicked on the radiator. There was something about the sound of it that had me craving hot chocolate. I’d have to get a cup tomorrow from somewhere.
I felt Gael’s fingers trail down my spine. “Tomorrow, I need to go to the restaurant. Then, I thought we could have a date in my kitchen.”
Giving him a loving kiss on the chest, I teased. “Oh no, you may break up with me when you truly see my skills in the kitchen.”
“I’ve ridded your freezer of Lean Cuisine meals. I have no doubt that we’ll survive this challenge.”
Gael shifted my body on top of his. Underneath me, his length hardened. I tried to push down against him, but Gael held me with my hips as a playful grin appeared on his face.
Playfully, I nipped his lip. “If you need anything microwaved for five to seven minutes, I’ll be the perfect kitchen assistant.”
Flipping me on my back, my legs wrapped around Gael’s waist, trying to bring him further in to me. The mattress formed around my body as Gael held me in place. “I need you to repeat after me, Ashlin.”
“What?” To get him inside me at this moment, I’d practically say anything.
Slowly, he circled his hips, teasing my inner core that longed to feel his dick within me.
“I, Ashlin, will trust my boyfriend, the master chef, in all things.”