Page 21 of Bane
On his return, Bane repositioned his hand on my lower back. That sexual, excited feeling that I hadn’t felt in ages until I saw him at Discrete Encounters broke its way to the surface. Bane pushed the button for the elevators and the doors opened without delay.
The doors closed, encapsulating us into a world of our own. “I ordered us dinner. It’ll be delivered within thirty minutes.”
“Thank you, I appreciate it. But I honestly don’t expect you to take care of me.”
Bane gave me a gentle expression as the elevators ascended. Electrical charges danced across my skin causing me to momentarily close my eyes. This man began to be in almost all my thoughts.
“I know. Just let me. It’s not a big deal, and you’re not demeaning yourself.” His voice brought me back from my temporary refuge. The manly smell encompassing all around me was nearing unbearable.
“You look beautiful today, Maren.”
Needing to lighten the sexual tension, I lightly responded, “Thank you. You look dashing yourself.” Really, sexy as hell was a better description.
Rewarded with a chuckle, the elevator opened. Thank goodness for fresh air. Nervous flutters returned as we made our way to the hotel room. Behind those doors we would be, as Bane put it, fucking.
The lock clicked. Opening the door, Bane let me enter first. I let out a breath. I’d be safe here.
The suitcases I brought sat on two luggage racks along the wall that lead to the bathroom. Compared to the lavish surroundings, my bags were out of place—filthy rags in comparison.
“Everything okay?” Bane asked.
All of the sudden I needed to get a few things straight or rather re-clarified. “So, you expect nothing in return for me being here?”
“No, I don’t.”
Bane appeared in front of me and his finger ran down my cheek, leaving a warm trail in its wake. “Maren, there are no expectations. This isn’t a trick. Let’s be two people escaping for the next month. Whatever happens … happens. There are no rules to how this works. If either of us wants to stop, you stay here for the month and I’ll leave you alone. It’s as simple as that.”
“Okay. Two people. No expectations.”
Bane made his way to the bar for a drink. Idly, I wondered if he hid behind the glass to keep from showing any emotion.
Taking off my coat, I hung it in the hall closet, busying myself with the nervous energy that also showed itself when Bane was around me.
In the main area, Bane sat at the table, feet crossed at his ankles, taking sips of his bourbon. I cleared my throat. “Do you mind if I take a shower before dinner arrives? I didn’t have time after I got off work at the vet’s office?”
“Not at all.” The simple sentence Bane generally responded with elicited want within me, escalating the need to an all-time high.
Maybe a hot shower would help relax me. Unzipping the bag, I got the essentials and a change of clothes before making my way to the bathroom. Lavish, sleek tiles covered the walls as I ran my hands along them. Placing my clothes on the marble counter, I looked at myself in the mirror. This was happening.
Compared to a year ago, I looked worn down and tired with the dark circles under my eyes. Life had taken its toll, but I was getting my life back. I was a survivor.
All I wanted was to work and live comfortably. The lavishness wasn’t necessary for me to be happy. Growing up, we’d been middle class but our home had been filled with love. How times change. After turning on the shower knob, I waited for the water to heat up. Multiple showerheads created a cascade of water.
Stepping in, the hot water enveloped me, easing my sore muscles. At the clinic today, a large Great Dane nearly jerked my arm out of its socket as I walked him. A rabbit peeked up underneath a fence. The huge dog charged, and I was barely able to hold on.
The complementary shampoo smelled of floral, and the soap felt like rose petals caressing my skin in the clean shower. Compared to my apartment with the rusty shower, this was a nice change. It had been a while since I’d had a hot shower. Lukewarm or cold was the norm for me.
Drying off, the plush white towels were soft. They smelled heavenly. I wanted to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.
A knock proceeded Bane’s voice. “Dinner is here.”
“Okay, I’ll be right out.” The steam from the shower clung to me. There were terry cloth robes hanging on the wall. Grabbing one, I cinched it tight around my waist while messily throwing my hair on top of my head. I hated getting dressed while my body was damp.
The main area smelled of food that had my mouth salivating. Standing to the side of the table, Bane took off the silver domes covering the plates, revealing a dinner fit for a king. Holy hell was I hungry.
Opening the wine, he asked, “Did you have a good shower?”
“Yes. There was a dog about my size that gave me a run for my money today.”