Page 37 of Dissipate
“Kenzie, sweetheart, what you are thinking?”
Playing more with my hair, I tried to think about how to say this. I wanted to always be as honest as I could be with Aiden since there were so many secrets I’d never be able to tell him. “I . . . it’s just . . . I’m not experienced, Aiden. Like at all. There’s no way I’ll be able to compete with someone like Stacy. You were my first kiss . . . ever.”
Needing space in case he wanted to bail, I backed up until I hit the wall on the opposite side of the kitchen, about six feet away. Aiden jumped off the counter, laying the ice to the side, as I waited for him to respond to me. Reaching me, slowly he put his hands on each side of my face. None of his actions were abrupt as he looked in my eyes while I craved his touch.
“Trust me, Stacy can’t compete with you. You’re in a league of your own and you’re mine. We’ll take it at our own pace. When we have sex, it’ll be because we’re both ready. There are no time limits on this. There is no pressure.” He took a breath. “If we end, which I hope to hell we don’t, it won’t be because of anything sexual.”
I searched Aiden’s eyes to see if there was truth in them. Aiden continued, “I’ll prove to you in time that you’re more than Stacy.”
That was a relief, but I hated the word end. There was so much finality to it. My eyes blinked rapidly as I sorted through it all. If I questioned if this would end, I’d seem crazy. We were nineteen. Dating wasn’t a lifetime commitment like it was at The Society. Here, people tried each other out like a testing program, looking for their right fit.
Dipping his head, Aiden searched my eyes as his lips came closer to mine. “I want to kiss you.”
My lips tingled as I nodded giving him permission, afraid that I wouldn’t be able to speak. I licked my lips. During the action, my tongue accidentally grazed his which heightened the anticipation. Moaning, he brought his mouth to mine.
His lips were strong, yet commanding and I opened up to him as I felt his tongue search for mine. I was kissing Aiden. Nerves had me wanting to stop, but the need drove me forward. Fire and ice mixed within me as I lost myself in him.
Instinctively, the sensations had me pressing against his firm chest. Aiden’s hands came around to my neck, holding me in place.
I wanted more. My body needed something else. Flexing my hips, a hard sensation pressed against my abdomen. I gasped and broke the connection between us. Looking away, heat flooded my cheeks from feeling what had only been described in my biology lessons with my mom—an erection of the penis. The real thing was different. Much different. It had never been described in a sense that it would have me wanting to throw all reason out the door.
Aiden put distance between our hips. I missed the contact, but was glad to regain some coherency back. “Before I lose all self-control, what would you say to watching a movie? I brought the next must see with me.”
“I think a movie sounds great. What did you bring tonight?” However, I didn’t think that would lessen the desire I felt, but probably make it worse.
He kissed me quickly. “I’ll be right back.”
Running to the front door, Aiden left it slightly ajar as he walked out to what I assumed was his car. The ice had melted within the bag, so I refilled it while I waited. He came back in and produced two bags of unpopped popcorn and a movie called “Christmas Vacation.”
“Are you ready for our movie date?”
My insides melted. “So, this is our first official date?”
Aiden took my right hand, then leaned in to give me a kiss. “Yes, but I plan on taking you on as many dates as you’ll let me. If you wanted to go out we could do that also.”
The thought of having to deal with more people was exhausting, having already reached my social limit for the night.
“I like it being the two of us. Here. It’s perfect.” Our breaths were mixing and the now familiar charge heightened between us.
Taking a step back, Aiden took in a deep breath. “Let’s start the movie. I’m having a hard time controlling myself around you.”
Those words made me feel good. We were both affected by each other’s presence. It was a heady feeling to be wanted. Aiden led me into the living room where he put the movie in. A crazy guy in a red costume wrapped in colored lights came on the screen. It looked like a Santa costume. When researching what all of our different holidays we’d have off meant, Christmas was the holiday I was most looking forward to.
Grabbing the popcorn, Aiden raised un-popped bags to me. “Let me pop the popcorn and I’ll be right back.”
Aiden jogged back to the kitchen where the beeping of the buttons on the microwave commenced. A few seconds later popping sounded. The microwave still fascinated me as unseen molecules moved about cooking the food.
Hours upon hours could have been saved at The Society if some of the modern day conveniences had been allowed. We’d only known the conveniences of a stove and refrigerator.
The washing machine was my next new favorite appliance. I’d never hand wash another article of clothing if I could help it.
Another longer beep sounded, signifying the microwave was done. Aiden came back with a bowl full of the yummy goodness and sat next to me.
Instinctively, I cuddled into his side. “Is this all right with you?”
“It’s more than okay.” Pushing Play on the remote, the movie zinged to life. “Kenzie, you’re about to meet a great man by the name of Clark Griswold.”
Clark Griswold?