Page 25 of Intoxicated By You
It was true.
“Who would do this, Drake? Why?”
I scrubbed a hand down my face and sat back in the rocking chair. “Raquel is the first name that comes to mind. She paid a visit to us at the clinic tonight. Still filled with hate and piss. Or Chazz. Maybe Irene. She’s always thought the sun shined out of Raquel’s ass and was harder on Lex. And neither liked me. All I know is someone needed access to the will. Maybe it was the lawyer. Hell, it could have been Teagan, considering how weird she’s been acting. But she’s always been that way. As for why, I have no fucking clue.”
Dad refolded the note and handed it back to me with a shake of his head. “You’re going to have to be careful if you start accusing people.”
“I know. But whoever it is nearly fucked up my life.” I sighed and took another pull of my beer. “Something just isn’t sitting right with this. I don’t know if Lex has put much thought into it, but someone went to a lot of trouble to break us up. Now that we’re working things out, I wonder what they’ll do.”
“You sound worried.”
“I am. This person has remained in the shadows for two years. Now Lex is home, and we’re back together in less than forty-eight hours.”
“Has Lex mentioned anything out of the ordinary happening?”
“Not that I can think of.”
Before Dad could respond, the door swung open. Lex walked out in a T-shirt—no bra—and tiny-ass shorts. My dick was not going to survive this going-slow stage, which we really hadn’t defined.
“Ike, do you still chop wood in the same place?”
Oh shit.
Dad pointed across the yard. “Same spot. There’s wood there now.”
“Thank you.”
Lex took off across the yard, her ass shaking as she threw her arms in the air, obviously talking to herself. By the way her volume rose and then lowered, it was clear she was pissed off. She looked like she was asking the world a question and then answering it. I wasn’t sure what had happened, but I knew it was best to not suffocate her. Something had added to her fury with Raquel earlier. Her body grew more animated the more she got worked up, and then she disappeared behind Dad’s shop.
“Boy, something got her agitated.” Dad chuckled. “I forgot what a firecracker she could be.”
The fucking grin on my face wouldn’t disappear. I had Lex back, and she was still the same. Crazy antics and all.
“I’m going to see what happened. Say a prayer she doesn’t take a swing at me.”
Standing, Dad patted me on the back. “Good luck, son.”
When I was halfway down the stairs, Dad stopped me. “You know… We could ask Butch if he knows anyone who could look at the letter. Maybe compare the handwriting.”
Butch was ex-military intelligence who’d moved here a year ago to start over. He was a good guy and came to eat at the Red Onion from time to time. He preferred to stay under the radar. I’d totally forgotten about him. “You’re a genius.”
Then, it occurred to me… if Lloyd had written the letter, I might lose Lex forever. This was uncharted territory. I heard the wood splinter off in the distance and glanced that way. I couldn’t lose her. And I’d fight like hell to keep her.
Dad touched my shoulder. “From experience, it’s always best to know rather than wonder.”
Yeah, except if it ruins your life. “Probably.”
But it wasn’t my call to make. This was something Lex and I needed to discuss together. As I made my way across the yard behind the shop, my phone vibrated.
Hollis: The rumors aren’t true. Don’t hunt me down and punch me again. We city folk don’t fight with our fists.
I chuckled. Hollis was growing on me. He was a fish out of water up here, but he wanted to make a difference. The man couldn’t swing a hammer, cut wood, or use a tape measure for shit, though. Alaska would be an interesting match for him. I typed back a response.
Me: What happened?
Hollis: Something to do with the Twiner sisters and their newsletter. You Alaskans are nuts. Seriously, code red release? It’s nearly one in the morning. They called me looking for a comment.
Me: Welcome to Skagway, Doc.