Page 30 of Intoxicated By You
“Don’t laugh! It’s not funny.”
I grabbed her hand and put it on my massive erection. “No, it’s not.”
“Oh my.”
“Yeah. And he’s fucking pissed he’s going to have to wait. I jacked off two times already before you even came in here.”
Sitting up, she bit her lower lip. “Really?”
Those must have been magic words because she leaned over and kissed me. Maybe I could buy us five minutes.
Kane called from below, “I’m leaving! You better hurry unless you want to do it yourself.”
That ass would leave me, too. Hauling lumber was definitely easier with two people. I threw off the covers and grabbed my clothes. In less than two seconds I was halfway dressed. Leaning down, I kissed Lex goodbye. “Will you drive my truck to the clinic? In case I need to get anything else after Kane leaves?”
“Yes, I’ll be there shortly. I think I need a cold shower first, if you get my drift.”
I groaned. “Not helping.”
With one more kiss, I was out the door and heading for my brother’s truck. For shits and giggles, Kane put the truck in reverse and backed up about ten feet before stopping and letting me in. Mariah sat in the backseat, watching us with interest.
When I was halfway in, Kane put his truck into gear. I righted myself and slipped my shirt on. “You’re an ass.”
“Yeah, I am. But at least I’m not a whipped fucker.”
Giving him a Cheshire Cat grin, I nodded. “When that girl walks into your life, I’m going to give you so much shit.”
Mariah barked from the backseat. “She’s warning you. I’m my own man, and I’m not going to let some girl lead me around by my dick.”
I said nothing, and Kane raised his eyebrow. “Fuck you.”
“I see your smug smirk. Not happening.”
“Okay.” I held my hands up, knowing it would aggravate him more. “Not happening.”
We approached one of Dad’s lumber sheds. As the family’s main source of income, Dad and Mom ran a lumber mill business. He’d donated all the supplies to fix the clinic, even though Hollis had offered multiple times to pay for it as we worked yesterday. From what I could tell, Hollis had little experience with people just doing something for you with no strings—simply because it was nice. In Alaska, there were times when we needed each other to survive. Off to one side of the shed, one of Dad’s nightstands sat, unfinished. Seeing it brought back a lot of memories. I never would have imagined the little blond-haired, pigtailed girl who used to come with her dad to buy lumber would one day intoxicate me. At that age, she’d followed me around, asking a million questions. When she left, she’d give me a hug and skip off to her dad’s truck. She’d stopped coming about a year before I really saw her for the first time. Man, it was like she had blossomed overnight.
Dad and Lloyd had bonded over making furniture. I believed it was one of my only saving graces that convinced Lloyd to let me date Lex.
“Looks like you and Alexa are figuring things out.” Kane’s voice brought me out of my memories.
“We are.” Rolling my neck, I tried to get my thoughts together. I needed someone other than Dad to talk to. Though Kane was insensitive, he was always there for his family any time we needed him. “Lex broke up with me because she got a letter her dad left with his will telling her he didn’t approve of me. I know someone else wrote it. I’d just asked Lloyd if I could marry Lex, and he gave his blessing.”
Kane put the truck in Park and looked at me. “Come again?”
One summer in high school, Kane had come back from doing some work in Ketchikan a changed man. He’d never told anyone why, as far as I knew. Mom worried about him, but he swore to her nothing horrific had happened. Somehow, I knew he’d talk to me when he was ready. And through all the fighting and arguing, we were always there for each other.
I explained the situation. When I finished, there was anger burning in his eyes. “One thing you don’t do is fuck with a Foster. You going to figure out who it was?”
“That’s the plan. The most reasonable place to start is with the lawyer. Raquel or Irene are likely suspects.”
He shook his head in disgust. “Why would they do that to Alexa?”
“Jealousy. Irene clearly plays favorites. Lex wasn’t told her mom closed the B&B. She wasn’t even invited to Raquel’s wedding.”