Page 52 of Intoxicated By You
“That’s an impossible task.” With a smile, she gave me a kiss. “I’m not a freeloader.”
Yeah, I wasn’t going to argue. I got that it was important to Lex to pay her own way. We’d figure out something. She looked at her watch. “I probably should head in soon. Most of the equipment is coming in within the hour.”
“Are you excited?”
“Very. It’s a dream come true. I wish Dad was here.” Lex grew quiet. “What should we do about the letter?”
Early that morning, when I’d been holding Lex in my arms and watching the sun come up, I’d given that some thought. Only one option seemed viable—keep investigating. Somewhere along the way, the person behind this had to slip up. No one was perfect. “I thought I could talk to Hayden. See if he’s heard anything about Milano Incorporated.”
Since Hayden flew everywhere, he knew a lot. Well, the people he knew, knew a lot. The people he flew around were generally well off, so it was worth a shot.
“If you don’t mind.”
“Not at all. Let’s head into town. The sooner we get done, the sooner I can have you back in my arms in our bed.”
Chapter Twenty-Four
A week later, I pulled into the clinic and smiled at the sign, fritz medical. We’d been officially open for three days. Thank goodness it was Friday. I took a sip of my coffee and just enjoyed the moment. We’d done it. And the town was overjoyed. I swore the majority of Skagway had booked an initial visit with Hollis. We needed to hire someone for the clerical work at some point.
It was a success, and my heart couldn’t have been happier.
Hollis had offered twenty-dollar initial visits, regardless of insurance coverage. He was also working on some cash discounts for those who didn’t have insurance. People were responding and interested. And they were also plying him with food. He had received more jelly, canned vegetables, and cakes in the past three days than he could eat in a month. I was so proud of my small town.
Mom and Raquel hadn’t stopped by. Not that I’d expected them to, but still. And Teagan had also been a no-show. I’d sent her a few texts, called a few times, and got nothing. I’d driven by her place several times, but her car hadn’t been there. It was odd. While I was thinking of Teagan, I sent her another text. My heart hurt for her. It was probably why I remained friends with her for so long.
Me: Getting worried. Let me know you’re okay.
Of course, there was no response.
My phone did, however, vibrate with a text from Drake.
Drake: Just wanted you to know I love you.
Me: Love you, too.
We hadn’t found out anything else regarding the letter, and I was starting to think we never would. Drake and I had decided to keep moving forward with our lives. And if the past wasn’t supposed to be unearthed, we’d leave it buried. It still frustrated me, though. Raquel and Mom were at the top of my list, but they’d never confess. And I didn’t want them to know I knew the letter was fake. They weren’t supposed to know what the letter said… unless they wrote it. It was all a very twisted web.
Hollis walked out of the clinic and waved to me. Ike had loaned Hollis some of the extra furniture he had until his order was done. I think he’d only finished the bed so far.
By the look on his face, he wasn’t in the best of moods. Yesterday, Hollis had been a bear and a half to deal with. I’d come to find out he was irritable because of the lack of decent coffee. His current coffee maker was not cutting it. Apparently, according to Hollis, it produced sludge. So he was sweet as could be with the patients but grumpy as hell with me. He’d ordered a new, top-of-the-line unit, but of course it was going to take a couple of weeks to arrive.
At one point, he’d made me so aggravated I threw a book at his head. Anything I did, he snapped at me. Anything. He was a little perturbed at how I used the paper clips. Or the stapler wasn’t sitting just right on the counter. The supplies weren’t stored in the alphabetical order he thought they should be. Grumpy with a capital G.
When Drake had picked me up, Hollis had muttered something about flying books and attitude adjustments and headed upstairs. If he was the same today, I might drug him. Kidding. Maybe. Not really.
My peace offering had to get him back on track. The local jewelry store in town had a Starbucks. Only the tourists really stopped there, and it had slipped my mind until Drake mentioned it the night before while we made dinner together at our cabin.
I held up the cup as I got out. “I come with a peace offering in the hope that you’ll be less irritable.”
Hollis’s eyes grew wide. “Where in the hell did you find a Starbucks?”
“Jewelry store.”
He slapped his head. “Of course. A jewelry store. Why would it be anywhere else in this town?”
Okay, he was still a little grumpy. “Do you want it or not?”