Page 70 of Intoxicated By You
Dixon laughed. It was deep and pleasant. “I kind of pity him right now. Samone and Jane cornered me earlier. They are quite… forward.”
Yeah, they’re “friendly” with the tourists.
“It’ll make him tougher.”
“Cheers to that.” We clinked our glasses together.
Right then, I sensed Drake before I felt him. Little tingles raced across my skin in anticipation of his touch after being away from him for a while.
“Hey, Lex. Sorry I’m late.”
He kissed my cheek, and I melted into his side. He was wearing jeans and a nice button-up shirt. Extending his hand, he said, “Dixon. Good to see you again. How’d the hunt with Kane go?”
So, they’d met. And he’d been hunting with Kane. That was good to know. From Drake’s demeanor, he seemed to like Dixon. I imagined he’d already had him checked out.
“Fantastic. That brother of yours can track anything through the woods. We found what we were looking for each day. Most amazing guided hunt I’ve had.”
Before Drake could respond, Chazz’s voice filled the room through the sound system. “Good evening, everyone. If you would like to find your seats, we’ll begin serving dinner in about fifteen minutes.”
“That’s my cue. I better join my brother. I think we’re having quail eggs with Haggis.”
This was the oddest menu ever. It was as if Raquel had found the most unappealing sounding foods and served them in one evening. “It was nice meeting you, Dixon. I’m sure I’ll see you around but enjoy your stay if I don’t.”
“Thank you.” Leaning in, he whispered, “I don’t think she’s pregnant. It had something to do with vocal cords.”
My shoulders relaxed. Of course I wanted Raquel to have children, if that was what she wanted, but knowing she wasn’t pregnant helped ease the ostracism I felt. “Yes, the vocal cords have always been a concern for Raquel—and Mom. If you haven’t heard, she’s going to be famous once an agent comes this way and discovers her talents.”
“I bet.” With that he shook Drake’s hand and headed to his table. Once, I’d asked why we didn’t go to LA. Mom responded with, “Only the people willing to go the extra mile will be worth Raquel’s time.” I had given up trying to make sense of their reasoning.
Drake and I made our way to the back of the room. “What was that about?”
I shook my head. “Normal head games from Mom and Raquel. She said something about Raquel’s ‘delicate position,’ and I thought she was pregnant. Dixon doesn’t think she is.”
He sighed, running his hands through his hair. “Well, it looks like the party is a hit.”
The room had already begun to empty as people walked out before dinner was even served. I couldn’t help but laugh. Everyone looked miserable. “What was she thinking?”
He sighed. “It’s been a mess. Last week, she told one of the guys on the board she was changing the menu. He forgot to mention it because, honestly, who would have thought it would be to this shit. He thought she meant changing up a pie or cake. The townspeople aren’t thrilled, to say the least. Since the festival started, we’ve received several complaints, which was why the city council had a quick meeting. This is going to turn into a shit storm. The people of Skagway look forward to the Fall Festival.”
“Well, good news. We’re going to have the quilting circle make moose chili and the church will do the desserts for Hollis’s welcome party. I was hoping we could use the Red Onion next Friday.”
“Done. You just made our lives a hell of a lot easier.” He gave me a kiss. “I knew there was a reason I loved you.”
Hollis walked in front of us and ducked. “I think my ass has been pinched twice by either Jane or Samone. I can’t keep them straight. Ol’ Man Rooster promised his granddaughter a date with me. The Twiner sisters want to do some sort of auction, which included the word bachelor. Alexa, you have to help me.”
I tapped my chin. “I’ll think about it.”
“You have to. I’m serious. Payback is over.”
Drake chuckled. “Good luck.”
Hollis threw his head back and groaned. “Paybacks are a bitch. Even in Alaska.” Then he looked at me. “By the way, is surströmming Alaskan? I can’t believe I saw it on one of the hors d’oeuvres trays.”
My stomach was turning as the smells of the different foods blended together. “I’m afraid to ask what that is.”
“I’ll take that as a no.” Hayden dramatically wiped his brow. “I might have to leave Alaska if it was.”
“What is it?” I asked.