Page 13 of Wanting His Child
They had kissed before of course, and touched intimately so, but never like this, Verity acknowledged as Silas kissed his way slowly along the soft line of her lips and then, repeating the gesture he had made earlier, pressed the pad of his thumb to the centre of her bottom lip, hungrily nibbling the tender flesh he had exposed, his arms tightening possessively around her as Verity trembled in response to his touch. His tongue slowly caressed the inner sweetness of her mouth as hers did his and then he slowly and rhythmically sucked on her tongue and taught her to do the same to his.
As she repeated his sensual, intimate caress, Verity could feel the jolt that ran through his body and the sexual hardening and arousal that went with it.
Wrapping her arms around him, she pressed herself just as close to him as she could get, instinctively rubbing her body lovingly against his and making little purring sounds of pleasure as she did so, her eyes closing.
‘Verity, Verity,’ she heard Silas groaning as his hands gripped her waist half as though he was going to put her slightly away from him, but then he changed his mind, his hands sliding down her body to cup her buttocks and grind his own hips into her receptive body.
A delicious shiver of pleasure convulsed her and Silas removed one of his hands from her bottom to gently rub and knead the length of her spine in a caress that was so tenderly soothing that it made Verity open her eyes and look dazedly up at him.
‘I don’t want to take things too fast,’ Silas told her rawly in response to her unspoken question. ‘This will be your first time and I want…I want to make it perfect for you—in every way, Verity.’
‘It will be,’ she promised him, knowing as she spoke the words that they were true, with some deep rooted primal feminine wisdom that didn’t need to be analysed or questioned.
Gently and lovingly, Silas undressed her, pausing to caress and kiss each bit of flesh he exposed, but once he got to her breasts, Verity felt his self-control beginning to slip away. As he slowly circled one taut, hard, flushed nipple with the pad of his thumb she knew it wasn’t just her who was trembling so violently in sensual reaction.
‘These are the most beautiful…you are the most perfect thing I have ever seen,’ he whispered throatily as he picked her up and carried her over to the huge king-sized bed.
‘More perfect than one of Sir Roy Strong’s gardens,’ Verity teased him remembering their earlier shared humour.
An answering smile crinkled the corners of his mouth and momentarily lightened the passion that had darkened his eyes as he teased back, ‘Who’s Sir Roy Strong?’
Their laughter immediately banished whatever small feeling of self-consciousness Verity felt she might otherwise have had and very soon her fingers were equally busy as Silas’, if not perhaps quite as patient, as she tugged at the buttons of his shirt and then closed her eyes in mute pleasure when she had finally revealed the tanned male expanse of his chest.
Lovingly she buried her face against him, closing her eyes and breathing in his scent before delicately licking at the small indentation in the middle of his chest, discovering the faintly salty male taste that was exclusively his.
‘Verity,’ Silas groaned.
‘I want to,’ Verity protested. ‘I want to know every bit of you, Silas. I want to hold you, touch you, taste you. I want…’
‘You don’t know what you’re saying,’ Silas warned her.
But gravely and seriously and suddenly completely adult and mature, suddenly totally sensually a woman, Verity told him quietly, ‘Oh, yes, I do. I want you, Silas,’ she told him, lifting one of his hands and placing it first against her heart and then against her sex, saying, ‘Here,’ and ‘here,’ and then finally lifting his hand to her temple and repeating softly, ‘and here.’
‘With all my heart I thee love,’ Silas whispered back, taking hold of her hand and pressing a kiss into the palm before placing it against his chest. ‘With my body I thee worship.’
Watching her eyes, he placed her hand intimately on his own body. Verity drew in a quick sharp breath of feminine appreciation and urgency, the pulse in her wrist thudding every bit as fiercely as the pulse she could feel throbbing through the urgent shaft of male flesh she was touching. Instinctively her fingers closed over him, delicately learning and knowing him, whilst Silas continued in a thickly changed voice, lifting not the hand that was holding his sex with such feminine tenderness and love, but her other to his own forehead. ‘With my mind I thee honour, with everything that is me I commit myself to you now, Verity. Nothing ever can and ever will break the bond we are forming between us tonight. Nothing…’
‘Nothing…’ Verity repeated softly, and beneath her fingertips she could feel the hot, hard shaft of his sex harden even further and begin to pulse in ever fiercer demand.
The first time he entered her Verity cried out, not in pain but in exultation, clinging passionately to him, welcoming him within her with a heart full of love and joy, her emotions so charged and heightened that the feel of him within her, the knowledge of the intimacy, the love they were sharing, the bond they were creating, brought quick, emotional tears to her eyes.
Seeing them, Silas immediately cursed himself under his breath and started to withdraw from her, believing that he had hurt her. Quickly Verity reassured him, explaining in a choked voice that it was the pleasure of having him within her that had caused them, and not the pain.
Later he told her that what they had shared was just the beginning of the pleasure he intended to give her, the special sensual intimacy they would share.
‘You are my special garden, Verity,’ he told her as he lovingly caressed her warmly naked body. ‘My most private, secret garden where what flowers between us is special and magical and for us alone.’
‘And which, one day, hopefully will bear fruit,’ Verity continued, picking up on his theme as she blissfully ran her fingertips down his spine, revelling in her right to touch him and to be with him. ‘But not for a long time yet,’ she added drowsily. ‘And I don’t suppose that Uncle Toby will want me to have more than the most basic maternity leave…’
‘Maternity leave?’ Silas checked her, his body suddenly tensing as he started to frown. ‘I know you’ve said that your uncle expects you to work in the business once you’ve finished university, but surely what’s happened between us changes that? I’m not so sexist that I’d want to prevent you from working if that’s what you want, but…’
r /> ‘It isn’t a matter of what I want, Silas,’ Verity told him slowly. ‘My uncle expects me to work alongside him in the business and then to take over from him. It means everything to him…’
‘More than you or your happiness,’ Silas challenged her. ‘Or are you trying to tell me that it and he mean more to you than me and our children…?’
‘No, of course not…but I owe him so much and he…’
‘More than you owe our love?’ Silas demanded.