Page 69 of Phantom Marriage
‘How did you break your ankle?’ she asked. ‘Skiing, I suppose.’
‘No. Rock climbing.’
‘Oh, Lord, you are a one, aren’t you?’
He shrugged. ‘I can’t help it. I like physical challenges.’
‘Perhaps you should stick to less risky ones.’
‘Like making love all night, perhaps?’
Their eyes locked, Veronica seeing the sizzling hunger in his, knowing that her own eyes were just as hungry.
It was fortuitous that the entree arrived at that moment, a steaming pasta dish with bacon, aubergine and mushroom. Veronica welcomed the opportunity to look away from Leonardo’s hot gaze.
‘This is delicious,’ she said after a couple of mouthfuls. ‘Glad it’s just a small serving, though. It’s rather filling.’
‘That’s why I ordered grilled swordfish for the main, with just a light salad. I wanted to leave some room for dessert.’
Veronica winced. ‘I hope it’s not as fattening as that dessert your mother served me last night.’
‘Not quite.’
When it finally arrived, Veronica gave him a droll look.
‘You are such a liar,’ she said as she eyed the large custard-filled pastry served with a huge dollop of whipped cream. But it was too mouth-watering to resist. Just like Leonardo.
‘I thought you might need some extra calories to survive the night ahead,’ he drawled.
Veronica tried to think of a witty comeback but she couldn’t, her mind having gone blank at his provocative remark.
The dessert was followed by coffee which would have brought Lazarus back from the dead, and which left Veronica feeling quite hyped up. But underneath the caffeine-induced buzz lay some very female nerves. Silly, really, given she’d loved their passionate encounter last night.
But this was different, wasn’t it? Last night had been brilliant but spontaneous. To plan sex, to anticipate it as she had done all day, was not conducive to calm. It was like sitting an important exam. No matter how many times you’d done exams before, no matter how much you’d studied the subject, there was always that fear of something cropping up that would throw you.
Best leave everything up to him, Veronica determined as he paid the bill then steered her out to another waiting taxi. He obviously knows what to do. He’s had enough practice.
The flight back to Capri was still a welcome distraction, Veronica taking photographs of absolutely everything.
‘Mum’s going to want to come here for a holiday after I send her these,’ she said at one point.
‘Then she should,’ Leonardo replied. ‘She can stay at the villa.’
‘It’ll be your villa soon.’
‘She could stay at the Hotel Fabrizzi,’ Veronica said with a mischievous glance. ‘I can recommend it.’
‘Would you come with her?’
‘Probably. But if I did we wouldn’t stay at your parents’ hotel. Sophia might think I’d come back to see you and start matchmaking again.’
When he just shrugged at that, she shook her head at him. ‘You really shouldn’t encourage her, you know. She honestly thinks you’re in the market for a wife.’
‘I’ve found that to argue with Mamma only encourages her more. Besides, I will be in the market for a wife. One day. When the right girl comes along,’ he added in a drily amused voice.
She snorted at that. ‘Your mamma will be long gone by then. You are a cruel man, Leonardo.’