Page 81 of Phantom Marriage
Leonardo dropped the bag and come forward to take her into his arms. ‘I know,’ he murmured into her hair. ‘But it’s almost eleven. The hotel guests will have left and Mamma will be expecting me for Sunday lunch. After that, I have to return to Milan. I have an important meeting in the morning which I must attend. Still, it’s best I go whilst you still have some reputation left. I will claim I slept in the guest room but I doubt anyone will believe me.’
She pulled back and lifted cool eyes to his. ‘You told me I shouldn’t care what other people think.’
‘Mamma and Papa are not other people. They are my parents. Now, don’t make a fuss. I will return. Though, not next weekend I’m afraid. I have things on.’
‘What things?’
‘A charity ball on the Saturday night which my company sponsors every year.’
‘Oh. And I suppose you’ll be going with some glamorous model on your arm?’
‘No. I told you, I have no girlfriend in my life at the moment, other than you. If I asked you, would you come with me?’
Her heart fluttered at his invitation. She was seriously tempted, until she remembered her decision last night to end their affair today. It was a painful decision but a necessary one. ‘I came here to find out about my father, Leonardo, not go flitting all over Italy to attend fancy dos. And I am not your girlfriend,’ Veronica pointed out a little tartly.
‘You could be. All you have to do is stay here in this villa and I will make Capri my second home.’
Exasperation joined temptation with this particular offer. Because it was a typically selfish suggestion on his part. He didn’t want her on a for ever basis. He just hadn’t had enough of what she’d given him last night. And, brother, she’d given him a lot!
‘I don’t think that would work, Leonardo,’ she said archly. ‘I’m not cut out to be mistress material.’
His dark eyes glittered. ‘Oh, I wouldn’t say that.’
‘I would. Besides, what would your parents think? Not about me but about you. They would finally have to face up to the fact that you’re an incorrigible playboy with no intention of getting married.’
‘Maybe you could change my mind on that score.’
She laughed. ‘Please don’t insult my intelligence.’
His frown contained frustration. ‘Why do you persist in thinking so badly of me?’
‘Let’s not argue, Leonardo. I’ve had a lovely time this weekend and I want to remember it fondly.’
‘How long are you actually staying?’
‘My return flight is in three weeks’ time. I leave on a Sunday.’
‘Then you’ll still be here the weekend after next.’
‘What say you meet me in Rome that weekend? By then you will have found out everything you can about Laurence. I will show you the city and we’ll have another great time together. My uncle has a lovely townhouse he’ll let us use. Or I can book us into a hotel.’
Don’t say yes! came the savage warning from deep inside her. You’ll regret it.
At least she didn’t say yes straight away. There again, she didn’t say no, either.
‘I’ll think about it,’ was what she said.
He smiled, looking supremely confident in her saying yes in the end.
‘I will ring you tonight.’
‘Please don’t.’
‘I will ring you tonight,’ he repeated, giving her a brief peck before picking up his bag and striding away, not glancing back over his shoulder even once.
She stared after him, her heart thudding fast in her chest, her head in a whirl. Because she was already looking forward to his call tonight.