Page 17 of The Wives
“Fuck I missed you baby girl.”
“I missed you too daddy.” And that as they say was that, she’d thrown me with the daddy thing but we’d talked and it wasn’t some weird daddy hang up she had about her father she just wanted to be my baby girl and I got to be her daddy. Works for me and we’ve been together ever since.
Chapter 6
Anna was on the stairs as I was passing on my way from my home office to my room her hands filled with laundry; she gave me a look which I ignored because I was feeling like a king again I knew one good hair pulling, pussy drilling session would get her back in a good mood so I wasn't too worried about it.
She was in my room putting away my clean shirts when I came out of the bathroom drying my hair with a towel a little while later. It was a few hours yet before I went on my date with wifey so I just put on a pair of sweats and left my shirt off for now.
"Hey sweet cheeks you want to rub some cream on my back?" She rolled her eyes and snorted at me which is pretty much what I expected; calling her sweet cheeks was the equivalent of throwing boiling water on a cat she had about the same temperament.
"Was that a no?"
"Are you talking to me jerk?"
"Yeah brat I am."
"Piss off wanker."
"Up yours Brit." She's so easy I could practically see steam coming from her eyes.
"Fucking asshole just, arrrrrrrgh, never mind."
"Speaking of which did you tell our daughter that all boys are asshole jerks?"
She clapped her hand over her mouth eyes wide in embarrassment. "Oh shit on a stick she heard that did she?"
"Yes she did how long do you think it's going to take to for her to forget it?"
"Oh daddy I'm so sorry I had no idea she was anywhere near when I was having my little tiff." Probably more like a full blown bitch fit of a tantrum but I wasn't going to point that out she was acting almost human again for the first time since I'd gotten home yesterday; it might be better to let that particular sleeping dog lie.
She crawled into my lap like my good little girl; I guess she needed some daddy sugar, little freak.
Just so you know I have no qualms about fucking each of my wives on the same day, in fact more often than not it happens that way. I know most people seeing us together might think 'horny guy he's in it for the pussy'. Nothing could be farther from the truth, I love to fuck yes but it's not my whole life. I love the differences in each of them, they all have their own unique way about them, okay this one was a whole other brand of crazy but I love my little schizo girl, she keeps me on my toes.
I love who we are together the four of us and the kids, I can't imagine life without one of them in it things just wouldn't be the same if we weren't all together as one. Though they drove me bats hit crazy on occasion they were my heart, I wasn't too bent out of shape by what people thought unless what they thought impacted my wives and kids then fucking heads would roll, but beyond that society could go fuck itself.
When we aren't fucking like minks the four of us are either playing around with the rugrats or just shooting the shit with each other, we might even play a game of tennis or volleyball since we had both courts on our property, there was always something to do you know like normal couples, all the things a man and his wife would do, I'm just lucky enough to get to do it three times over.
"You over your snit?" I ran my hand up her smooth thigh; not really trying to start anything per se this is just the way we are with each other as a unit, always touching. Because she was the youngest she always seemed to need babying just a little more than her sisters, though I tend to believe she'd always be that way no matter how old she gets, my little baby girl, fuck I love her.
"You were a jerk."
"Yeah and you're all sweetness babes, give me that mouth."
She was only too eager to comply, you see whereas Marcy and Janine can usually wait their turn for a good fucking unless they'd gotten onto some porn site or some shit that left them all hot and bothered, or one of those racy ass books they liked to read so much not so Anna, Anna stayed hungry. I could and usually did fuck her at least once a day except when she had her period that’s the only time I caught a break around here. Right now her body is still a little soft from having my sons but I like it, I especially love the new fullness to her tits, which I take every opportunity to suck on,