Page 28 of The Wives
The three of them took turns reviving me as I caressed them and kissed whoever lowered their mouths to mine, Janine got in her cuddle time in between helping bring my boy back to life. My Anna, my freaky little daddy’s girl was still feeling raw from the day’s events so she wanted me to hold her close while we fucked. I drew her in and beneath me; looking into her amazing eyes I kissed her softly brushing the hair back from her face. I whispered words of encouragement to her as her little hands worked my cock while her sisters kissed and caressed my back and ass cheeks. I got some of her milk on my tongue as I suckled her breasts and the taste went straight to my dick. “Ummmm…Brad, that feels so good…fuck me.” She spread her legs as I turned fully to her and lined up my cock head with her pussy. Looking down between us I led my cock home into her tight sweetness before looking back at her eyes, which were now closed. I kissed her softly gently as I rocked back and forth slowly into her welcoming body. Marcy pulled my head towards her next and we shared a long passionate tongue dueling kiss while I fucked Anna slow and deep, then it was Janine’s turn, and so it went over and over with me either kissing or sucking on a nipple while Anna cried out beneath me. When I finally flooded her womb she’d cum too many times to count. We all climbed into the bed and cuddled close with me telling them how much I loved and appreciated them and hoping that I’d got the job done and had indeed got them all pregnant in the same night. Needless to say I fell asleep with a smile on my face.
Chapter 10
By midday the next day Zade was calling with what he’d found, I had no intentions of sharing what he shared with the girls, not only because it was Janine’s mother but because I try to shield them from as much of life’s bullshit as possible. I never want them to worry about anything other than what’s the new hottest handbag or shoes on the market. I don’t say that to be condescending or because I see my women as air headed bimbos or some such stupid shit, it’s just that I have a core principle that says women are to be cherished and looked after, I don’t see exposing them to the darker side of life as taking care of them so therefore they’re kept in the dark about certain things. They don’t always agree with me on that but it is what it is and I stand by it. Janine I could see was nervous, she knew I wasn’t going to go easy this time she didn’t come right out and say anything to me but I could tell she wanted to beg me to go easy on her crazy fuck mother. I’m glad she didn’t ask because I wasn’t sure I could give her that one.
“With as much shit as this woman has going on I would think she would think twice before going after anyone else, then again most people seem to think that they’re going to be the only ones to keep their shit hidden.”
“What did you get?”
“Enough to keep this particular jackal off your ass for the rest of your life I hope.”
“Yeah that good?”
“And then some, I’m going to be faxing you some stuff in the next little while, make sure Jan isn’t anywhere around though bro.”
“You know better than that bro.”
“Yeah I do, but this is some serious shit, we also got some recordings don’t ask me how, seems your in laws have been pissing off more than just you over the years.”
“Damn this sounds bad, my fucking wife is going to be fucked up over this shit isn’t she?”
“If any of it comes out yeah I think so but that’s something you two will have to discuss before, I’m guessing since it was so easy for me to find this shit that the ones who started it will soon be using it for whatever purpose, I don’t see any way of keeping it quiet unless money changes hands which is probably what this other party or parties are after.”
“Is there any way to find out who’s after her?”
“Yeah I’m sure there is I just have to pull on the thread and follow where it leads, why what are you thinking?”
“She’s a grade A bitch and I would like nothing better than to end her ass but she’s my wife’s mother and I don’t want Janine hurt by any of this, I’ll use whatever we have to keep her out of my face but I’m not too thrilled about anyone else having the goods on her and willing to use them publicly do you follow? Janine is not to be harmed in anyway so I’ll have to deal with whatever this other thing is.”